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Josh's POV

Vester and John had to go through a painful break-up because of Jasper. He had demanded for Vester to break up with John in exchange for John's freedom. Vester, my best friend of almost ten years, was deeply affected by their heart wrenching ending and he had to hide so John could not seek him out after their break up.

I so much wanted to kill Jasper just so Vester's suffering would finally end but I do not want to ruin my life just to get rid of the bastard. I know that there should be a best way to get rid of him and that is in a legal way.

With the help of my sister who is a police officer and high in rank, we re-visited Jasper's past to check if we had missed an important thing that could finally incriminate him. We both had to squeeze our private investigation into our already packed schedule and we spent almost a year trying to look for anything that could help us and ended up not finding anything.

Vester had regularly called me and Paulo to give us updates about his wellbeing in Japan. He recently told us that he is now an understudy for a musical play that will be held in Japan next year. He even invited the two of us to attend the play but when I accidentally mentioned John's name he abruptly ended the call without waiting for my answer to his invitation.

John's name had naturally become a taboo between us because Vester had been missing him so much. He could only resort into checking John's social media account to check what he had been doing and could be satisfied by watching him from afar.

He had been successful in hiding from John for almost eight months now.

John tried to search for him for almost two months but when he could not find him, he eventually gave up and just drowned himself in alcohol.

He was always so drunk that Justin had to call for my help just to tuck him in. The best thing about John is he never attempted sleeping with some random girl. He seems to be still loyal to Vester despite being hurt by him. And that shows how much he loves my best friend which made me continue with our investigation.

John still does not know the real reason for their break up and we do not have any intention in letting him know. We do not want him to act impulsively again, especially now that Jasper had been sending emails to Paulo with his threats towards Vester.

Jasper had found out about our attempts in incriminating him hence he resorted to threatening us telling us that he would ruin Vester if we don't stop poking on his past. He said that he will molest Vester again as soon as he finds him and that he will stream it live so everyone will see it, if we did not stop.

We had no choice but to lay low for a bit and opted to work more discreetly than before. And since I had no other things to do aside from composing songs, I decided to visit John in their house one night. I should have checked his studio first though, for he was not at home when I arrived at his house.

He had been coming home late because he always stayed in the recording studio until midnight. It was as if he was making himself busy by writing and producing songs until he was so tired physically and mentally.

Justin was in the living room when I came inside the house and he was watching his favorite TV show. He had been ignoring me before but when we had warmed up to each other because of John, we are now kind of close and could chat about random topics comfortably.

He waved at me when he saw me but he quickly went back to what he was doing. I headed to the living room and sat on the couch near him and decided to watch the show with him. I was starting to enjoy the show when he suddenly asked me about the status of our investigation.

I turned to him as I gasped and had my eyes widened in shock.

"How did you know about that?" I asked in alarm.

"Well, you are not really discreet. I always hear you talk to Paulo over the phone about a certain investigation. Oh, I did not tell John yet, don't worry." He replied with a smile while looking at me with an arched brow.

I sighed in relief before leaning back on the recliner.

"Why not create evidence if you cannot find one?" He asked afterwards.

"What do you mean?" I asked him in clarification, visibly intrigued by his suggestion.

"Since those girls that you found backed out and since you do not want to get Vester involved, why not ask someone to act as your spy and approach Jasper."

I stared at him in awe. I sometimes wonder how his big brain could fit in his small head. How could we not think of this from the start. We could have asked some random woman, paid her a reasonable amount of money and asked her to get evidence for us.

"I know someone who could help you." He said before turning the TV off.

Then he shifted his position and faced me fully.

"Who is that?" I asked eagerly.

"I can approach Jasper and seduce him." He said without a warning.

His statement was so sudden and unexpected that it took a long time for me to react. But when I realized what he had been implying to, I shook my head vigorously in refusal.

He scooted over so he could look me in the eye more.

"Think about it. Jasper does not know me. I am attractive as far as I know, in fact more attractive than Vester. Anyway, he does not know me so I could easily approach him and infiltrate his life." He said firmly, like he was trying to convince me.

"No and that is final." I answered in refusal.

I would never subject him to something dangerous like this. Imagining him in potential danger while he is in the presence of Jasper does not sit well with me.

"I want to help John and Vester. I do not want to see John in pain anymore." He said with tears in his eyes.

He looked at me like he was pleading for me to agree to his dangerous plan. I saw how he was sincere in wanting to end our friends' suffering so I did not have a choice but to agree but on one condition.

"You need to learn how you could defend yourself when he attempted to vio-violate you." I demanded and he nodded eagerly.

I decided to teach him how to incapacitate someone in a nonviolent or non-Johnish way, as our private joke. I discovered that he was easy to learn new things and he could easily understand my instructions. He quickly learned self defense and that kind of convinced me more.

Realizing that he is adamant into doing this, I had no choice but to let him help us. Like he had said, Jasper does not know him and he is attractive. He could easily seduce Jasper and that would give us access to his house so we could get evidence that we could use against him. So, I, Paulo and my sister, prepared him in a month. We decided for him to act like he is a blind man because Jasper targets blind people for he could dominate them easily, just how a typical coward would do. It took Justin a month to perfect his acting as a blind person and when he had convinced a random stranger that he is indeed blind when we tested it in public we decided that it is time for our mission to commence.

And now, the day that he would finally approach Jasper had arrived. I drove him to the café where Jasper frequents and told him that he should ask for my help when he needed to.

He nodded once before getting out of my car and with the use of his golden cane, he slowly went inside the café.

I hope that this will all be worth it. I wished inwardly as I watched him already talking with the b*star.

To be continued...

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