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Lee Chan grabbed Joshua's collar, " I told you not to come near my sister!!" Lee Chan punch Joshua in the face. I've had enough. I was never the type to hit anyone even by mistake. For the first time in my life, I slapped someone really very hard. I could feel it in my hand as well. All eyes on me. Now I feel guilty. I shouldn't have done it. Everyone is stunned, I tell both of them to leave the classroom. I feel so furious. I hate Lee Chan who does he think he is!

I come out of the class and tell Joshua that I'll talk to him later and tell him to leave for now. I have some serious talk with Lee Chan. But the bell rings so I just come back to my class. After going to my class I don't see Lee Chan anymore.

Lee Chan and Joshua both came to me during the lunch time. I take them both to the rooftop. We should sit down and talk about it like civilized people. So, I want Lee Chan to tell us the reason why he hit Joshua.

" Because he misbehaved with you!!"

How did he misbehave with me? He never did anything bad around me and never has made me feel uncomfortable. Who are you to judge him without knowing anything?

" He is just messing with you!!"

And what makes you say that? Why did you punch him? Problems can be resolved by talking out about them.

" He is not who you think he is."

I'm sorry that I hit Lee Chan in the morning but needed to tell him in his own language. I asked Joshua if he wanted to hit back Lee Chan for the two times Lee Chan hit him. As expected of the gentleman he didn't have any grudge against him. He was just shocked that I was Lee Chan's sister. He wanted to ask me about my mom and about Lee Chan in the morning and Lee Chan punched him for no reason. Lee Chan should apologize to him.

" Like hell I would!!"

Let me warn Lee Chan that I've always tried to be patient with Lee Chan's behavior towards me. But now if he ever interferes with my life and if he does anything to Joshua it won't be good for him. It was only a demo in the morning. And he should mind it! I don't care what Lee Chan's opinions are about Joshua but if Joshua doesn't mind then I would like to date Joshua.

" I-I-I don't mind at all. Can I talk to Lee Chan? I don't want you two to have any beef because of me."

I don't trust Lee Chan at all. He might attack Joshua again.

"He won't hurt me. Don't worry."

I leave them alone. I don't want to see Lee Chan around me ever again! But wait. What the hell did I just do? I just indirectly asked out Joshua and he agreed. I just keep messing up. I should talk to Seung Kwan about it soon and ask for his advice. And I should do it today. I think I spoke rashly. I should've thought about it before speaking.  Now I'm scared. There are so many girls in the school who like Joshua like crazy. What if it gets out that Joshua and I are dating? What will happen to me? Should I stop coming to school? What should I do now? I guess I should talk to Vernon and Min Gyu first.

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