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"What are Misha's interests?" I asked, flicking through brochures of all the things to see and do in Rome. Vladimir looked over them too, expression contemplating. His fingers brushed across a couple of the classical art spots.

"Before all this started, I would have answered that question confidently. Now...? I'm not so sure."

I shrugged, picking up a map and opening it up, eyes skimming the various icons and the Italian I could mostly parse. "I know he's a romantic. Forbidden love affairs and Rome as a preferred getaway? Think he's here to propose maybe?"

Vladimir blinked at me. Then a soft smile crossed his face, eyes going distant and wistful. "Wouldn't that be something?"

Grinning, I nudged him with an elbow. "Doesn't always take a grand gesture you know. Some women are just as happy with something small and considerate." He looked up at me with a look akin to a deer in the headlights and swallowed hard when I glanced at Peaches. He cleared his throat and shook his head.

Chuckling, I dropped my eyes back to the map. "She didn't flinch from you. The real you. Shouldn't waste time with doubts and fear." I shook the map out. "Now. I say we start here. The tourism is going to be a nightmare to wade through, but all the old architecture and art is where all the romantics start."

We spent the rest of the day doing what all tourists do; touring the hot spots, sampling cuisine, and taking in the sights.

I had been to Italy a couple times, both for business and pleasure, so I had a good idea of places young couples would most likely visit and how to get there. If I happened to be running the perfect date for Vladimir and Peaches at the same time, well, the only one who noticed was Zach. The occasion was slightly soured by Vladimir's ever present worry over his brother, but I could tell Peaches didn't really mind.

As day faded into evening, I called a halt for dinner near the Trevi Fountain. Vladimir ate slowly, glum as he stared into his food. "This is getting us nowhere. He could be anywhere. We could wander this city for a week and not find him. Assuming he's even here."

I shrugged, enjoying my dinner and perusing the menu still, already anticipating dessert. Maybe some wine. Eating to excess wasn't really a good idea, since I was technically dead, but I didn't get many opportunities to travel anymore. Not with holding court in the states and making time for my family and studies. Zach and Logan didn't have that problem, so they were thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Vladimir glared at my apparent unconcern. Peaches gently laid a hand over his wrist. "We'll find him."

I nodded, glancing across the courtyard as the lights came on in the fountain, illuminating the sculptures. "Or he'll find us."

Vladimir's brow furrowed. I grinned, nodding to indicate he should look. Vladimir turned, and was half out of his seat when I caught him.

"Sit. Relax. Let them live their dream."

Vladimir slowly eased back into his seat, watching the young couple admiring the fountain. They were wrapped up in each other, smiles on their faces as they turned their backs to the fountain to cast coins over their shoulders. I could see the Elf girl, closing her eyes for a moment to make a wish, and Misha with eyes only for her. The coins plopped into the water and they swayed into each other, arms wrapping around shoulders and waists so their mouths could meet.

The waiter murmured a question at my shoulder so I turned with a smile to order sweets and wine. Vladimir wasn't going to let his brother out of his sight now that we had found him, so I certainly didn't need to watch their intimate moment. I still managed to catch the drama unfolding as Misha turned towards us, his girlfriend under his arm, undoubtedly intending to enjoy a night in Italy. Vladimir stood again, drawing Misha's eye, and the two brothers stood frozen, a courtyard between them and miles of tension.

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