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I slowly came to, my body slumped in a soft seat, and listened to the panicked feminine voice. "I'm telling you, she's dead! I didn't mean to kill her I swear! I don't even know what happened. She was perfectly fine and once we actually settled for a few minutes I realized she wasn't breathing."

I slowly took in a breath and the woman froze. I caught the scent of peaches again and listened to the frantic heartbeat kick into high gear.

"Oh my god, she's alive." And then she disconnected the line before I could listen in on any more of her conversation to determine who she had been talking to. Perhaps I should have played dead for a little longer. I heard her getting closer and sensed her reaching for my neck. I supposed to feel for a pulse. I lifted my head and eyed her, making her jerk back in surprise.

I studied her. Her dark hair and brown skin tone didn't give me much to work with in regards to where she was from. Her English was good, so I was going to assume she was American. I supposed that was probably my best bet. Then I was glancing around.

We were on a fairly ostentatious private jet. I guessed we had already taken off, since I could hear the engines working, but I had no idea how long we had been in the air. I glanced down at the handcuffs locking my hands together in front of me ruefully before glancing back up at the woman.

"You're gonna regret kidnapping me. You're really gonna regret tasing me."

She huffed, studying me like I was some fascinating creature. "You didn't have a heartbeat. I know how to take a pulse. You were dead!"

I arched one brow, unamused. "That's what happens when you jab a taser into someone's chest. There's a chance they go into cardiac arrest! You're lucky my cardiac arrested a long time ago or I'd be even more pissed."

"But there's no way you could have just revived!"

"Why the hell did you tase me anyways?! Would it have killed you to just talk to me like a normal person?"

"Why are you more concerned about the taser than the kidnapping?!"

I frowned when Peaches snapped. She looked about ready to have a heart attack of her own. She had no idea what was going on. At least, not with me. Now that I thought about it, and actually studied her, I realized she couldn't be the brains behind this operation. She was hired help. Though I never would have classified her as brawn if we had met on the street.

"The taser hurt. The kidnapping is hardly my first and I usually end up in charge of the situation before anyone actually comes close to hurting me. That's why my priorities are off." I held up my hands, making the chain rattle a little. "You know these can't actually hold me?"

Peaches slowly sat down in the plush seat across from the one I had been dumped in, still staring at me. "This job just gets weirder and weirder."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Just tell me who wants me and why."

Peaches folded her arms across her chest. "What makes you think I'm not the one who wanted you?" My answering bark of laughter just irritated her further. I got my mirth under control and shifted a little to get comfortable.

"Let me just try to Sherlock a few things. You let me know if I start to stray off the facts. The private jet speaks to a level of wealth where one no longer gets their hands dirty. You're hired help. Which is why you were whining to your boss a minute ago, afraid that you had accidentally killed me. Though, if you managed to get the drop on me without some sort of invisibility spell I consider myself appropriately chastised and I will start paying better attention to my paranoia."

I stopped. Peaches was looking partly impressed and partly confused. "Spells?"

I arched one brow, beginning to think this woman was even more in the dark than I had originally thought. "Do you know who I am?"

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