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I chanced a glance behind me and grit my teeth at the gap widening between Logan and Peaches. Vladimir was struggling to tug her along behind him, obviously able to keep up, but unwilling. My mouth went dry at the multiple pairs of eyes drawing in towards Zach and Tony. I whipped forward and raised my voice.

"O'Malley! We're losing our human!"

The Leprechaun dug into a pocket and withdrew a small object. I couldn't make out what it was, but he drew it up to his mouth and whispered to it before shoving it away again. His voice came floating back to us as he picked up speed again. "Hope you're a decent rider lassie!"

I glanced back again. Mist rushed in and coiled up behind Peaches. I quirked a smile as it suddenly lunged forward, scooping between her legs and up. Peaches yelped and held on tight when she was suddenly on a horse of clouds and mist. The strange horse tossed its head with a scream, then jerked ahead into a gallop, the sound of thunder beneath its hooves.

The rest of us ran on unfettered. O'Malley led. Logan and I fell in behind him to create a clearing wedge. I could hear the storm steed galloping along behind us and I imagined Vladimir was pacing it while Tabitha took up position on the other side. Zach and Tony would have our backs.

I glanced to either side. We were leaving the Harbingers behind. We would make it yet. Looking ahead, I spotted a break in the trees. I hoped that was the Enclave and the creatures would leave us alone once we passed into open ground.

A white eyed creature suddenly dodged between our band and the paths end. Back lit, I could make out almost reptilian physique. Angular limbs and a long neck was the source of the height and strange movement. It balanced on its hind legs, front forepaws and razor sharp claws grasping towards us. It gave a rattling hiss as it opened up a maw impossibly wide, showing three rows of teeth.

O'Malley darted in, dodging the viper quick snap of neck and clashing fangs. He scored a solid hit to the monsters knee, knocking it off balance and making it screech. Then Logan and I were baring in.

Logan charged in first, rending with claws and biting down to rip and tear. He leaped away as the Harbinger slashed at him and I went sailing into the opening. My claws opened up four long gashes in the creature's side. Black blood poured from the wound, stinging my fingers where it burned a little. Logan was busy trying to spit the stuff out of his mouth, but it didn't stop him from tearing in with his claws again as the Harbinger turned to hiss at me.

A horse's scream caught my attention, combined with the thunder of hooves. Peaches' mount was showing no sign of slowing. I darted in, wrapping my arms around Logan to yank him off the creature. We rolled clear on the other side and sure enough, the storm steed trampled the Harbinger without pause. I gently patted Logan's shoulder where he rested in the forest litter beneath me. He huffed some amusement and scrambled out from under me, chasing after the misty horse as the Harbinger flailed in its death throes.

I hopped to my feet and followed, falling in with Tabitha and Vladimir as they dodged around the creature. Behind me, Tony and Zach plunged blades into the thing to end it for good.

We ran out of the trees and I glanced up at the massive derelict castle standing in the center of the forest clearing. The place was obviously abandoned and had been for some time. And I supposed 'castle' was a little too grand for the place. It was smaller than that. More like a glorified watch tower.

Ahead, O'Malley was rushing in the arching front doorway and disappearing. Peaches on her storm steed was right behind him, with Vladimir and Tabitha flanking her. Logan and I rushed after them, with Zach and Tony right behind us.

I spared a glance back towards the trees and gulped when Harbingers came pouring out. It seemed there were hundreds of them, all scuttling for us as they hissed and screeched. The noise was horrible. I faced forward again and rushed across the little front courtyard to go leaping over the three steps up into the main building. We entered a large main hall. O'Malley stood at the other end, ushering the horse through the opposite door and calling for everyone to hurry.

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