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"This is all your fault! Everything has only gone from bad to worse since Vladimir sent me after you! You said you were going to help him and then you just watched as he was hauled away! How do you propose we get him back, huh?!"

I raised a brow when Peaches finally stopped her ranting, apparently actually looking for an answer to this question. She had roared off on another roll of insults and curses the first two times she had left off on a question and paused to take a breath. The silence stretched on until I decided to risk it.

"Can I talk now?"

She snarled angrily and spun, stalking away from me and over to the broken parapet outside the Enclave's front doorstep. I regarded her for a moment, thinking I knew exactly how she felt, even if she wouldn't appreciate that extended sentiment.

I glanced around at the others. "Look. If we all try for a rescue, we're going to get caught. It's bad enough we're all camped out on their doorstep. So, as much as I know you're all going to hate this idea, I'm going in alone."

Tabitha snorted in amusement. "Raise your hand if you saw that one coming." There were smirks and raised hands all around. My youngest sister grinned even wider as she teased. "We're not surprised, we don't particularly like it, but it is a good idea."

I blinked, pleasantly surprised at the agreement, no matter how reluctant. Zach chuckled.

"You're well trained and Vladimir knows you best. You're probably the only one who can handle this mission best. Not to mention the fact that, as Princess, the Elves wouldn't dare do anything to harm you or else invite war from your father. And everyone else in your family."

There were solemn nods as everyone agreed again. I half smiled with warm affection. It was a little embarrassing, but also terribly gratifying to have a family that would literally go to war for you. I just hoped it wouldn't come down to that.

I turned to O'Malley, ready to get down to business now that it was clear I wouldn't be forcing my family to do things my way. "Is this the only way in or is there another way?"

O'Malley grinned around his pipe. "There's always another way in." He quickly turned and led the way back downstairs. We followed him through the wrecked great hall and past the remnants of the heavy doors. The harbingers had certainly done a number.

Back outside and in the courtyard, O'Malley made a detour around the castle and into a small garden. The place was overgrown, choking the little gravel path that circled a crumbling fountain. Towards the back we went, pushing past herbs and flowers that had mostly covered a small tool shed tucked into the corner.

O'Malley pressed a hand against the surface of the door, muttering under his breath. I felt the ripple of magic, though I couldn't see its effects. Finally, O'Malley pulled his palm away from the door and turned his hand over to rap with his knuckles three times. He stood back after he had knocked, and after a short pause, the door slowly creaked open.

I swallowed as I peered inside and found only pitch black. It was like a void, or a black hole, was stretched across the threshold, eager to swallow anything and everyone who dared step foot across. I glanced down when O'Malley stood back to motion me through.

"The door shall stay open for an hour. Move quickly, and make sure you keep a firm hold of magic problematic on your way back."

I nodded. "It would probably be best if you all started back. We'll catch up."

O'Malley grinned. "Expecting another chase, are we lassie?"

"It's highly probable," Zach agreed. "I'll take them back. Tony can stay here and wait for you, just in case you need some help clearing up your retreat."

Tony scoffed at being given permission but seemed quite content to do just as Zach had said.

I nodded once as I turned back to the dark portal. "Good enough. See you in less than an hour." And with that, I stepped through into the black void. The thick scent of herbs and flowers was quickly snuffed out, then slowly replaced with the scent of dust. Old wood and a hint of rust. I blinked twice as my eyes adjusted to the dark room. The lack of light didn't really bother me. I made out a crowded storeroom before glancing behind me to find the portal. Then I was slinking forward to make use of all the time I had.

The portal appeared to have dropped me in the bottom of the castle, where a majority of the work to keep the place running was done. I slipped past the kitchens and made a quick circuit of this floor before deciding I was on the bottom level and there were no dungeons down here. To the towers then.

The going got slower as I moved up higher. More Elves roaming the halls meant I had to be more careful about how I progressed. If I was caught then I might be shown exactly where they were holding Vladimir, but I wouldn't make it back within the hour time limit.

And I really preferred to keep this a rescue mission rather than a breakout.

I ducked into a side hallway when I heard people coming. They were laughing and chatting, suggesting a certain level of distraction that put me more at ease. I leaned back against the wall so I wouldn't be immediately visible and tried to affect an air of boredom.

In a moment, a group of courtiers went strolling by, gossiping and twittering about whatever passed for news in this castle caught in a stasis. I spotted the silver crown of the Prince in the center of the group and watched him pass by. He seemed comfortable, though not particularly enthusiastic about being the center of attention.

He must have felt my gaze on him because he abruptly halted. I quickly moved to the other side of the hall as he started to turn, pressing back out of sight. I didn't understand Elven, but I picked up on the questioning tones. There was a brief pause before the Prince answered. I slowly let out the breath I had held when they started to move away again.

The voices and footsteps had only just faded around the corner when I started moving again, wanting to get some distance just in case the Prince decided to come back for a more thorough investigation.

I dodged a pair of guards patrolling a couple minutes later and a little after that I was ducking into a room to hide as guards came wandering from both directions. I listened carefully at the door when they met up and exchanged greetings.

A horrible feeling settled in my gut as I quickly took in the room to find no exits and precious little in the way of hiding spots. There weren't even windows to test. And no lock on the door.

I called on the Sire to give me whatever luck he could. Then I was stiffening as one of the voices came close and the doorknob rattled. I froze, pressed up against the wall where the door would hide me as it opened and ready to pounce on whoever came through. And hopefully put down the entire group before they could raise the alarm.

A male voice called down the hall and the door halted, only half-way open. I held perfectly still, fangs down and claws extended in preparation for battle. The guards went stiff as the voice came closer, speaking firmly. There was a tense moment where the owner of the voice sternly gave the guards orders, and then the door was pulled firmly shut and I could hear them marching away double time.

I thanked the Sire and gave it a couple more moments to give the man who had unwittingly saved me some time to move on about his business. Then I was pulling the door open to hurry on. I was running out of time.

And I suspected I would probably be stuck here a lot longer than one hour as I came face to face with the male I had thought was already gone.

I swallowed hard and took in the young Elf waiting on the other side of the door for me. The smug smirk on his face might have irritated me if I wasn't abruptly realizing he had known exactly where I was when he sent the guards running. My gaze dropped to the jeweled rapier on his hip, aware that it likely wasn't just for show. But he had yet to reach for it. Then my eyes flicked up to the silver crown sitting atop the young man's head before I met his gaze again.

"Prince Anderan."

He dipped his head cordially. "Queen Moon."

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