Chapter 30

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I've lost all ability to keep track of time and day. I feel like I've been here for so long.

Weeks maybe? It could also just be a day or two, but that doesn't seem right. I've been here much longer, I'm sure.

I really shouldn't be surprised to wake up with chains attached to my wrists and, from what I can tell is a thick electronic collar humming around my neck.

After the stunt I pulled, I'm surprised I'm alive at all.

Why am I alive?

I flex my wrists, pulling at the chains. They resist immediately, my arms barely stretching to their full length before the cuffs dig painfully into my skin. There's no give. I yank harder, frustration bubbling inside me, even though it's a stupid move. The metal bites deeper, but I grit my teeth through the pain. I won't give them the satisfaction of having me tethered and defenseless.

I can feel my powers beneath the surface, coiled like a waiting predator. If I could just—

The collar beeps, and before I can react, a shock tears through me, stealing the breath from my lungs. It's like being struck by lightning—every nerve ignites in agony, setting my whole body on fire. My fingers claw at the collar, desperate to rip it off, but all I get is another jolt for my trouble. My muscles seize, and I want to scream, but I can't even move.

The world narrows to a single point of pain. When it finally stops, I collapse onto the cold concrete, my chest heaving, the air ragged and sharp as it scrapes my throat. My ears ring, and my vision swims, blurred by hot tears. For a moment, I just focus on breathing, the fire in my ribs slowly fading.

A heavy tug pulls me forward, my knees slamming hard into the floor. I bite back a cry as my wrists twist painfully in their restraints, trying to stay silent even though I know it doesn't matter. They've already won this round.

"You like your new accessories?"

My stomach turns at the voice. It's not Cieran's, but the smirk in his tone is the same. Smug, self-satisfied. My blood simmers. I blink furiously, trying to clear my vision, but I can sense them now—two of them in the room, two more just outside. There's no way I can take them all, not chained like this.

"I find it cool," the man continues, his voice dripping with mockery. "Not only does it go off on its own, but..."

The collar tightens around my throat, and I don't even have time to brace before another shock surges through me, worse than the first. My body spasms uncontrollably, slamming my head against the floor. I want to scream. I want to rip them apart. But I can't even hold on to my thoughts; the pain is too much.

"I can control it."

When the shock finally stops, I'm left gasping, my forehead pressed against the ground, cold sweat soaking into the concrete. Every breath feels like fire, but the anger inside me burns hotter. I want to rip this collar off and shove it down his throat. Slowly, I raise my head, glaring up at him. My powers are sparking beneath my skin, itching to break free, but I know better. If I lose control, they'll kill me for sure.

The guard is laughing, clearly enjoying the show, but another one steps forward, whispering in his ear. His expression twists, and he nods. They exchange a glance before the first guard moves to the door, positioning himself on the opposite side as the heavy metal groans open.


He strides into the cell like he owns the place, the bandage over his eye already soaked with blood. The sight of it almost makes me smile, even though every part of me is screaming in pain. I did that. And I'd do it again if I could.

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