Chapter Four

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Legacy **

I stormed out of tthe room angry after Olivia proclaimed she's going after Kris.
I can't believe she's with Cyrus, I knew him longer, I was always there for hhim. I love him. I sighed Amd went into the training room completely frustrated and angry.

I wrapped my knuckles and started letting out my rage on the punching bag furiously and viciously.

"that's a lot of anger" I turned to see Lucas leaning against the door frame his hands folded. I took a deep breath wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand.

I sighed unravelling the material I wrapped around my knuckles as to protect it.
" what do you want Lucas!" I said rather annoyed taking a sip from ny water.
" training rather harshly aren't you ?" he said walking further into the room.

He always talked like a wise old man, but he was no older than me and Olivia.
I scowled as I taught of her the memories from earlier replaying in my hhead.

"why so angry legacy? Don't act like you didn't know" he said again. I turned to him flaring my nose.

"you always knew!" I yelled but asked at tthe same time. " I suspected! It wasn't hard to figure out legacy." Lucas said sitting on a bench eating an apple.

" leave Lucas! Now!" I yelled turning to face his calm posture. He rose raising his hands in mock surrender, chuckling lightly as he walked to the door, that's the first time ever remotely seen him smile even a little.

"I think you always knew legacy. Your not stupid. You just didn't wanna believe it!" he said before exiting the room making me punch the punching bag with my bare hands watching my now bloody right hand. I grimaced and watched up breathing slowly. I hate the sight of blood.
" All Alpha Rebels to my office!!" I heard Cyrus's voice over the speakers.
His voice infuriated me but sooth me at the same time and I hated the fact he had this effect on me.

"come on legacy!" Ashton yelled walking past the training room to Cyrus's office. I sighed and reluctantly walked out tthe room and behind hhim.

We walked into Cyrus's office and there he was with Lucasand Zayne and now Ashton and I. Olivia missing in action. I sat in the at corner playing with a crystal ball in my hands.

"what's tthe crisis now? Found the mole?" Zayne said standing firmly. He was 19 years old just like I was, but he was silent and deadly like Lucas well ii guess cause Lucas trained him but Zayne is just more mysterious. Wonder if he's the mole talking about mole all the time.

" No! We are still searching for the mole .....".Cyrus said but was quickly cut off by Lucas, he hated being cut off.

"where is Olivia?" he asked seriously " that's why I called you here" Cyrus said standing from his desk making us automatically stand also.

"she left to go get Kris." he said " alone!" he continued clenching his fist.
"want us to go after her ?" Lucas said looking at Cyrus unreadable expression.

I dropped tthe call from in my hand making iit shatter to pieces all there eyes followed to where I stood.
I looked up at them and decided I should talk.

"I'm not going after pretty princess Olivia. She got herself into this and if she feels she is an amazing soldier let her fight her own battles!" I yelled "we're a team legacy...." Ashton said and I cut him off " why didn't you tell her that before she left alone. She is her own team! Don't you see that" I was outraged Ashton and I started bickering.

"stop!" Zayne yelled I looked st hhim shock. Never heard him yell before. " I'll go get her" he finished calmly looking at everyone.

" we aren't sending you alone to!" Lucas said confirming my suspicion.
" I'll take Everton with me. I'm his mentor. He's good and we will be iin and out and be back in a day!" Zayne said cracking his knuckles.

"We'll vote on it then!" Cyrus said. Everyone voted yes and looked at me. " Legacy?" Lucas said " do what you want, go ahead get yourself kill for Olivia!" I spat exiting tthe room.

I went to my room stopping down to my black lace underwear to match with my black lace bra.

I pulled on my black sweat pants, I turned as my room door opened and close to see Ashton standing and leaning against tthe door.
I didn't feel uncomfortable about him seeing me in my bra because lets face iit, I don't care.

I pulled a black vest from my drawer and looked to him still quietly leaning against the door. I pulled the vest over my head and took my black converse off the shelf putting them on and lacking it up. I stood taking my pistol and putting it in my back. Then I took my Swiss army knife and put it on a strap in my thigh then pulling down the sweet pants. Ashton still stood there.

"what! Ash!" I yelled frustrated standing and looking at him, he pushed himself off the door walking and standing in front of me.

"why are you so pissed with Olivia?" he asked not stunning me at all. " I just don't like her!" I stated exiting and walking to the front gate, Ania stopped me. I rolled my eyes frustrated that people were only harassing me, she was my cousin yes but I wasn't in the mood.

"why aren't you geared up to leave with Zayne and Everton to bring back Olivia and Kris?" she said matter-of-factly. " I hate your friend Ania!" I said
In a.monotone. She gasped "why didn't you say that" she answered, I rolled my eyes and started to walk off, she hhead me back instead " please Legacy, go get them back!" she pleaded concern iin her voice.

I sighed in defeat, she was all the family I had left, she was my kyrponite.

"okay I'll go" I said walking away towards the front gate where Zayne and Everton stood dressed iin the rebels usual black army like uniform.

Zayne looked towards me his face in an usual unreadable expression.

"where are you going?" he asked his voice stern and deep. " with you guys, I changed my mind" I said walking ahead of tthem " we walking or taking a ride?" I asked staring back at them

"walking I guess!" I sighed walking onto the surface " hurry lets go" I said as they came with me and we started our journey to the castle. It would take 2hours and then when we got there it would ne hell. And then I realised I didn't bring my weapons I stopped dead iin my tracks making Zayne and Everton stop also.

"what?" Everton said and you could hear the anger iin his voice. " I'm still your alpha rebel! Don't test me!" I spat at hhim "Legacy, what is it?" Zayne asked stopping Everton and my stare off.

"I don't have my weapons" I said " only this" I continued pulling out my pistol as I heard a branch break. Zayne and Everton took defensive stance, we were prepared to fight.

Out came a young girl around Ania and Olivia's age.

She hhead her hands up and sobbed, that's when I lowered ny defence and took in her appearance she was in a white dress which looked almost black now, he eye rim red from all the crying and her skin scared all over and covered iin dried up blood.

"please..... Pl ....ease don't hu...hurt me" she shutter out. " we aren't going to hurt you" as I said iit Everton and Zayne lowered there defences also.

" who are you? Why you here?" I asked
" my.. N...names Emma . I ran away from.... Th...the castle" she whispered and I looked at Zayne.

Looks like things at the kingdom haven't changed.

*A/:N *
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