Chapter 3

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Finn's POV
I feel sweat pour down my face as the two grounders on either side of me tighten there grip around my arms.
As we get closer to my death spot, I focus in on the commander. She is talking to Clarke.
"What is she doing?" I whisper to myself. She can't be here. She'll get herself killed, too!
I watch as she walks back to Camp Jaha.
"Stop." The commander puts her hand in front of the two men who are securing me. "Take the boy back to camp and put him back in prison."
One of the men spit something back at her in their language, getting saliva in my face. When the commander answers, they tighten their grip on me and he holds a knife up to my neck. Could this be the end for me?
No, instead, the commander calls over another grounder. "Take him back to camp", she tells him, then whispers something in his ear. He nods. She points to the one with a knife up to my neck before saying, "And put him on the log."
The grounder puts my hands behinds my back and begins his journey back to the grounder camp. Just before the grounder camp entirely fades away, I hear a loud scream in the distance and catch a glimpse of the commander, slitting open the grounder's throat.
Clarke's POV
When I get back into Camp Jaha, I am bombarded with questions from all of the bystanders.
I put my hand up to silence them so that I can tell them what happened.
"They will not torture and kill Finn." I said. "But, they are going to keep him in the grounder prison. Conditions there are not good, but we will get our truce, and Finn will live."
The crowd starts talking amongst themselves, and I walk up to Bellamy and Raven. As soon as I get there, I receive a huge hug from Raven.
"Thank you", she whispers in my ear.
Bellamy looks at me. "You did good", he says.
"Thank you." After that, I walk away into a tent. It's been a long day.
Finn's POV
When I get back to the grounder camp, they violently throw me into the metal coffin that I would call home. The grounder who walked back with me explained that I would be a prisoner, but he said nothing else and neither did I.
All that was in the prison cell were the metal walls and stone roof that I would live in for the next... wait.
Will I be in here my whole life? Will they feed me, or will they let me die of starvation?
More importantly, will I ever get to see Clarke again?
Clarke's POV
The next morning I wake up to my mom shaking my shoulders.
"Clarke, the commander is outside of our gate. She wants to speak with you."
I get up and brush off my jeans, preparing for the dreadful conversation I will soon have. When I am finished, I slowly approach the front gate.
"I've been waiting", she says, her cold gray eyes aligning with my icy blue ones.
"Sorry", I replied, breaking the silence and looking down from her stare.
"We will discuss the boy's conditions on the way back to TonDC, and then we will discuss war."
We start out trek back to TonDC. "Okay."
"The boy whom you call Finn will stay in our prison, as we discussed."
"How long?" I cut her off.
"As long as we believe is right."
"Will he get fed?"
"The ways of our prison are... harsh, to say the least. We feed our prisoners a small meal once a day, and they are given water once a day as well."
"Will I be able to see him?"
"Yes. I am allowing you to visit him twice a week, but no more. I will also allow you to speak with him today, as soon as we get to TonDC."
"Thank you." I tell her, grateful that I get to see him. "And what about Raven? Can she visit him?"
"If she wishes."
I nod, and we walk back to TonDC in silence.
Finn's POV
I've been in this cold cell all night, and from what I can tell, the sun has just risen.
I feel that this is worse than death. If I am locked here my whole life, that is. But maybe I didn't even deserve death. That would've been the easy way out. Death is too quick, even if I was tortured before it. I killed so many people. So many. I deserve to be punished for what I have done, not just die.
Yet I keep on thinking about Clarke. About how she was the one who saved me. And every time I think about that, my heart does flips. I love her so much. So, so much. And now, I'm stuck in this cell, and I will probably never get to see her again.
After a few more minutes, which felt like hours, I hear the door to my cell open. I look up to see who it is.
"Finn?!" Clarke asks, running and jumping into my arms for a passionate hug. "I'm so glad you're not dead", she tells me warmly.
"Thank you", I whisper into her shirt.
Authors note:
Hi guys! Flarke reunion (yay!)!
I am going on vacation starting tonight, and it will be a long drive so I should be able to update again tonight or tomorrow.
Don't forget to vote if you liked it, and comment if you have any suggestions! See you soon! Love ya ;)

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