Chapter 33

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Finn's POV
Screams of terror echo through the large room. I fall to my knees, and fight the chains that rub up against the raw skin of my wrists.  Everything is a blur.
I grit my teeth hard as another lash of the whip comes swinging towards my bare back, it's thick, snake-like lash tearing away at my skin, leaving my own flesh on the burnt leather as a permanent stain to remember my suffering.
I keel over again, in the middle of the hot, stuffy cell that I despise more than I despise myself. The room now only consists of me, the whip, the grounder, and the echoing sounds of piercing cries and deep, reckless laughs. The corners of my eyes tell me that I have more coming for me, and I wince and hug my knees in hope that the next attack may be less painful than the last.
I cannot let go. I have to fight. For Clarke.
My vision and hearing begin to fade away again, and I slip in and out of consciousness. But as this happens, I think of a plan. A plan that I can only hope will work, but I have to try.
Perhaps if I fake being unconscious, the grounder will lose interest. Being in here with this grounder for what seems like days (but is really only an hour or two), I know enough about him to realize that the reason he does this is because he gets joy out of my pain. Maybe if my pain stops, so will he.
So, all at once, I let myself fall to the floor and my eyes snap shut, and try not to lose consciousness.
Clarke's POV
The crash of the first mine going off brings me out of my daze. A grounder flies into the air, blood splattering everywhere.
The grounders keep their distance, and I see them swiftly move back and forth through the trees, trying to make us waste our bullets the way they did the first time we had a battle. Everything is silent for now.
I radio to the gun team. "Do not draw fire," I command. All around me, I see our men and women lined up around our fence, their guns raised. I see everything. I know the plan: let the mines do their job, and then the bomb. But I keep having doubts it will work.
My eyes stay glued to the grounders. They continue to do this, until I hear the low rattle of a drum. They stop. One pound. One beat. One drum. One moment. Then, they charge.
Their piercing screams fill the forest and our camp, and the sounds of mines going off deafens me. One after another, their people are killed, but somehow all their army seems to be doing is growing. I keep observing, the adrenaline rushing through my veins sending a burning sensation throughout my entire body. They get closer and closer to our camp, and my heart pounds. I watch intently, not missing anything, but my heart stops when my eyes land on one specific thing: Commander Lexa, coming out from the middle of the grounders.
I don't know why I thought she wouldn't be here. Maybe I just didn't think about it, or maybe I just hoped that she wouldn't be. I hear screams coming from my radio, yet I can't seem to focus on anything except her.
She moves slowly and majestically, a look of pride on her face. But hidden underneath her cold eyes is pain, pain that comes from having to fight a war that could've been avoided. But no way was I ever giving up Finn.
I pick up my radio and tune into it, listening intently. I try to make out one specific voice, but so many people are talking at once that it drowns out everything else. It isn't until I hear voices from behind me that I know what they are saying.
I turn around, stunned by the army of warriors rushing through I camp. I don't know what to do, I don't have anything to do, but stand here and watch. Their cries of war echo through our camp, our people being shot down one by one. Their army just keeps coming, only seeming to get stronger and stronger with each kill.
"Jus drein, jus daun!" They chant over and over.
Suddenly, a man drops dead right behind me, a gun slung around his shoulder. Without further thinking or looking at who it is, I take the gun and run out into the crowd. I shoot 5, 10, 15 grounders, cutting a path through the sea of chanting, and dodging attacks.
"I didn't want it to end like this, Clarke," says Lexa, fighting her way through the crowd. Her majestic figure, now splattered with blood, moves towards me until we are inches from each other's faces.
I look down at the gun in my hand, and a tear comes streaming down my face. Am I really going to do this?
I slowly lift up my gun, and Lexa takes out her sword. "I'm sorry, Clarke," Lexa says, letting herself release tears, as well. She brings up her sword and draws her hand back, about to slash, but I raise my gun to her chest.
"Me too," I close my eyes my eyes and slightly turn my head as I pull the trigger, the bullet going through her clothes and straight into her heart. I slowly lower my gun and open my eyes, my heart dropping as I see Lexa, Commander Lexa, falling to the floor, dead.
Everyone's eyes turn to me, and their commander. I can see the confusion and fury in the grounder's eyes.
One of them chants something, sending them all charging. the noise is overwhelming for my ears. Their feet pound on the floor of our camp, all running after me. Their voices scream. I look all around me, swinging my head back and forth. My eyes move frantically across camp, searching for some form of escape. People fall to the floor in front of me, but I don't pay attention. I pick up my gun and clear a path for myself, ducking under people and tents. Fury fills the remaining grounders' eyes. I come face to face with one, both of us breathing heavily. For a minute, there is a pause. But as soon as they raise their weapon, I fire my gun and keep running.
I run fast, keeping a steady pace as I wind around tents and grounders. Arrows and spears all fly past me, but I don't stop.
I'm almost outside of the gates, away from the madness, when I trip.
Then, everything explodes.
Finn's POV
I open my eyes and look around. There is dead silence in the room, no grounders around. I sit in the center of the cell, looking around at the walls. I feel my back, which is coated in a thick layer of dark red and sticky blood and flesh, and memories of the whipping come back to me, sending chills down my spine.
I must've passed out when I closed my eyes, because I don't remember the grounder ever leaving or what even happened after that.
I shiver, goosebumps arriving all over my skin. My arms wrap around my stomach, and I keel over, a gnawing pain eating away at my stomach. Everything that's left in me empties out, and I lay on the floor, feeling lifeless. But as I do this, hundreds of questions come soaring through my mind.
How long was I out for? Could they already have gone into battle?
What if the battle is already over? What if the grounders swept through our camp and killed everyone?
What if, because of my failed attempt to unite us, everyone in my camp is dead? Will I even know? Will they continue to keep me alive, just to torture me, if this happens?
Or worse
what if Clarke is dead?
New tears stream down my already wet face, adding to the mess that I am. Clarke can not be dead, I can't handle it. I need to do something, anything, to stop this.
I try and get onto my feet, but I only fall over again, screaming in pain and stepping in my own puke.
When I hear the door of my cell swing open, I immediately regret my screams.
Two grounders walk in.
I close my eyes.
Here it goes again.
I'm not sure how long it's been, but I have finally updated. I'm so sorry, by the way, that it took so long to update. But, I have had a lot going on between band, homework, drama, and chorus. Anyway, here it is!
As always, vote if you liked it, comment your thoughts about the chapter and I'll see you soon! Love ya ;)


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