Chapter 9 - The Raid Force

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As Arjun, Victor and Zuri approached Serena, Arjun observed her in a commanding stance and engaged in a serious conversation with her team. Serena, noticing their footsteps, turned to look at them. Confusion marked her face upon seeing Victor with them.

She questioned, "Who is that?" pointing towards Victor.

Arjun jumped in quickly. "That's my friend, Victor."

Victor gave an awkward smile and raised his shaky hand. "Hi," he stammered, his voice cracking. He coughed, trying to recover. "Hi. I'm Victor. I work in the supply section."

Serena gave a small nod, her expression hovering between curiosity and acceptance. Then, she turned back to Arjun. "Do you know what's expected of you here?"

Arjun felt a knot tighten in his chest but gave a hesitant nod.

"Good. You'll be with us on the next raid," she said without a hint of hesitation.

Both Arjun and Victor exchanged panicked looks. Memories of Serena's team fighting monstrous creatures flashed through Arjun's mind. He tried to protest. "But... I don't—"

"It's not a choice," Serena interrupted, her voice cold and firm. "As your captain, everything you do is on me. No games, no mistakes. If you cross me, you won't like the outcome. Understood?"

Arjun, feeling a surge of fear, felt his legs trembling. Serena's intimidating presence almost made him lose control.

She repeated, "Do you understand?"

Arjun's knees felt weak, but he forced himself to nod. "Y-yeah."

"Good, now tell me, do you have any experience in martial arts or with weapons like guns, knives, or swords? Anything?" she asked.

Arjun shook his head.

Serena sighed heavily. "Figures. Alright, come with us. Let's see how fit you are—I can't have you slowing us down."

Arjun swallowed hard, anxiety pressing down on him. Victor took a step back, clearly wanting no part of it. "I... I really should go," he muttered.

The team turned to look at him. Arjun gave him a pleading glance, but Victor avoided his gaze. "There are a few things I need to finish up... so... yeah, I'll head out," Victor added nervously.

Serena nodded, indifferent. "Thanks for stopping by."

Victor gave a weak smile and started backing away. "Good meeting you all." His eyes flicked to Arjun, silently mouthing, "I'm sorry," before disappearing around the corner.

Arjun felt betrayed, like Victor had thrown him to the wolves and run.

"Let's go," Serena ordered, and Arjun, with a sense of dread settling in his chest, followed her.

She led him to a part of the base he had never seen before. It was vast and alive with energy, packed with people sparring, lifting weights, and practicing drills. Arjun's eyes widened as he spotted a shooting range and fighters of all kinds—some with mutated abilities—engaging in intense combat. The place buzzed with a relentless, desperate will to survive.

He saw an elderly man, probably in his seventies, dominating a fight against a younger opponent with the aid of mechanical legs. A woman well into her sixties moved with the speed of a much younger fighter. Children sparred alongside those who looked close to death, each one driven by the same instinct: Survive.

Serena turned to Arjun. "We'll start with the basics. You ready?"

Arjun's heart pounded, but he nodded. What followed was a grueling fitness test. Arjun struggled to keep up, gasping for breath, sweat soaking his clothes. After a few minutes, he doubled over and vomited.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 hours ago ⏰

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