Chapter 7 - The Past

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The sunlight slowly dwindled through the evenly spaced glass ceilings. A subdued gloom settled over the surroundings as it scattered across the base. The camp, once filled with a cold and somber atmosphere, now seemed even more despondent. Yet, amidst the prevailing darkness, a glimmer of hope stirred in Arjun's heart.

The reunion with his best friend provided a welcomed respite, unleashing a torrent of emotions that had long been suppressed. It was the first time Arjun felt the warmth since he woke up in what everyone now referred to as "hell." Tears flowed freely down both Arjun and Victor's faces as they embraced in a profound hug. At that moment, gratitude overwhelmed them, knowing they had found each other against all odds.

Arjun's excitement was evident as he stepped back from the embrace, a smile lighting up his face. "You can't imagine how relieved I am to see you," he exclaimed. Victor, equally elated, responded, "We all thought you were gone. What happened? Where have you been?"

Arjun shook his head, saying, "I honestly don't know."

Hiroshi interrupted the reunion, apologetically stating, "I hate to break this up, but we need to keep moving."

Victor inquired, "Where to?"

Arjun shrugged, prompting Victor to turn to Hiroshi. Hiroshi explained, "I've arranged an empty room in the C section for him." Victor, pleased with the news, said, "Perfect, that's where I'm staying. I'll join you guys." Hiroshi, however, questioned Victor, "Shouldn't you be working in the storage section?" Victor nodded in confirmation, replying, "Yes, I wrapped up today's tasks and was about to head back." Hiroshi, not eager to prolong the conversation, sighed and motioned for Victor to join them. Victor signals his readiness to move forward.


The group stepped into a broken-down room that emanated an air of neglect. Arjun was met with a stiff bed, a torn pillow, and a scant collection of soiled garments. Hiroshi observed a grimace on Arjun's face.

He retorted, "What were you expecting in this disastrous world? Gucci shirts? Consider it a miracle that we're even surviving here." Victor chimed in, gesturing towards his attire in support of the statement. It was only then that Arjun realized it. Except for a few individuals wearing military tactical output, everyone else he saw shared similar worn-out clothing.

As Hiroshi exited the room, he turned back to Arjun and remarked, "Rest here for now. We'll discuss and determine your assignment tomorrow."

Confused, Arjun inquired, "Assignment? What do you mean?"

Hiroshi, displaying a hint of irritation, replied, "You know what? Ask your friend. He'll fill you in. See you tomorrow," and walked away.

Facing Victor, Arjun sought clarification, "What is he talking about?"

Victor responded, "I'll explain that later. First, tell me, what happened at the experiment? Where did you go?"

Arjun explained, "I don't know, man. After being dragged into the portal, all I saw was darkness. The next thing I knew, I ended up in a place these people refer to as 'Zone C'. I'll delve into that later. Right now, tell me, what the hell happened to you? What happened to everyone? What's going on out there?"

Seated on the floor, Victor leaned against the wall, and Arjun settled across from him. Letting out a profound sigh, Victor revealed, "It's been ten years."

Arjun, bewildered, questioned, "Ten years since what?"

Victor clarified, "Since the day you disappeared."

Arjun sought confirmation, "Since the day of the experiment?"

Victor nodded and continued, "Yes, exactly. Since the day the portal experiment went awry."

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