Between Two Shadows

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**Alicia's POV**

I threw myself into the chores, hoping the work would keep my mind off everything. The feel of the sponge in my hand, the repetitive motion of scrubbing, dusting, polishing-anything to drown out the memories of Kyoya's hands on me, his breath warm against my neck. Every time I thought about it, a shiver ran down my spine, a confusing mix of excitement and fear. I didn't want to face him again just yet. I needed to focus, to keep moving.

The estate was endless, every hallway a maze, each room more grand than the last. I'd been assigned to clean one of the larger dining rooms today-a space that was all black marble, gold accents, and crystal chandeliers. It was elegant, cold, and imposing, much like Andy. The thought of him made my stomach twist. There was a strange pull between us, a tension I couldn't quite understand. He terrified me, but I couldn't deny how my eyes lingered on him during our interactions, how my heart skipped when he entered the room.

The work was exhausting, but I pushed through. I needed the distraction, anything to keep me from thinking about where I was and why. My chest started to ache, a familiar tightness creeping in, but I ignored it. It wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last. I just needed to finish cleaning this room, then maybe I could rest.

The world started to blur around me, the edges of my vision darkening. I stumbled, grabbing the back of a chair to steady myself, but the dizziness only got worse. Panic surged through me as I tried to take a deep breath, but my lungs felt like they were made of lead. I knew what was happening-my heart. I hadn't told anyone about it because it hadn't been a big deal. At least, not until now.

The floor felt like it was tilting beneath me, and before I could catch myself, everything went black.


I woke up slowly, the world coming back in hazy fragments. The first thing I noticed was the softness beneath me-the unmistakable feel of silk against my skin. My eyes fluttered open, and I recognized the dark, luxurious room immediately. Andy's room. I'd been here once before the day I fainted after witnessing his true nature. Panic hit me like a wave, but when I tried to sit up, a gentle but firm hand pushed me back down.

"Easy," a familiar voice said. I turned to see Andy sitting beside the bed, his expression soft but serious, a hint of concern in his eyes. "You fainted."

I glanced down and realized I wasn't in my maid's uniform anymore. Instead, I was wearing a silk robe, the fabric cool and smooth against my skin, with only a bra and underwear beneath it. My cheeks burned, and I shot him a look, a mix of confusion and accusation.

"The maids changed you," he said, raising a hand in defense. "I didn't touch you, and I didn't look. I promise."

I didn't know what to say, the embarrassment and the fear twisting inside me. "Why... why am I here?" I finally managed to ask, my voice barely more than a whisper.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I had a doctor check on you. You have a heart condition, don't you?"

I swallowed, the tightness in my chest returning-not from my condition, but from the weight of his words. "Yeah... I knew. I just... forgot to mention it. It's usually not a big deal."

"It is a big deal," he said sharply, his tone suddenly cold. "You can't keep overworking yourself like this. From now on, you're not going to be a maid."

"What?" I blinked, not sure if I'd heard him correctly. "But-"

"You can't leave," he said, cutting me off. "You've seen too much, and I can't risk you going out there and talking. But I won't have you working yourself to death, either."

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