Price of Attraction

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I woke up to the soft light filtering through the heavy drapes, blinking against the brightness that spilled into the room. As I sat up, I felt the soft sheets beneath me, a luxury I was still getting used to. The memories of the previous day clung to me like shadows-I had faced fear and uncertainty, but somehow I had emerged with a sense of freedom. It was exhilarating to think that I was no longer a maid, but that thrill was quickly tempered by a gnawing restlessness. What was I supposed to do now?

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I shivered at the cool wooden floor beneath my feet. The mansion was quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos I was accustomed to. Gone were the scuffling of feet and hurried whispers of other maids. Instead, there was a haunting stillness that echoed through the hallways, amplifying my sense of isolation.

I stood up and crossed to the window, peering out at the sprawling grounds below. The gardens bloomed vibrantly, a world of color and life outside my door, yet I felt strangely disconnected from it all. My fingers brushed against the ornate window frame as I sighed, memories flooding back of my life with my father. I thought of the dingy apartments we lived in, the air thick with the smell of neglect, drugs, and the constant undercurrent of abuse. I had been surrounded by chaos, a stark reminder of how low life could get, and now here I was, standing in a world of luxury that felt both intoxicating and foreign.

I wandered into the bathroom, where polished marble gleamed under the soft light. As I looked at my reflection, a mix of comfort and disquiet washed over me. I looked different, but inside, I felt the same-like an imposter in a beautiful facade. I splashed water on my face, searching for some semblance of resolve. Today, I wanted to do something bold, something to break the monotony of waiting for Andy to return and share the world beyond these walls with me.

As I dressed, thoughts of the trust I had slowly built with Andy filled my mind. The intensity of our last encounter lingered-his protective nature, the softness of his gaze, and the way he made me feel safe. But how long could that last? What about Kyoya? The conflicting emotions tugged at my heart, leaving me torn between the two men who had each carved out a space in my life.

With a final glance around the room, I made my decision. Today would not be a day of idleness; I would seek out Kyoya and explore what lay ahead. I needed to reclaim my agency and, in doing so, perhaps find clarity in my heart.

As I made my way to the kitchen, the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and pastries wafted through the air, beckoning me closer. The mansion felt more alive with the promise of breakfast, and my stomach grumbled in anticipation. I pushed open the door, stepping into the warm, sunlit eat-in kitchen, where the counter was lined with an array of delicious options.

My eyes scanned the room, and there he was-Kyoya. He sat at the far end of the kitchen table, casually flipping through his phone while nibbling on a piece of toast. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. I felt a spark of excitement surge within me; I was determined to seize the day and do something different.

"Hey, Kyoya!" I called, forcing myself to sound casual despite the fluttering in my chest as I approached him.

He looked up, a hint of surprise flickering across his features. "Alicia. Good morning." His voice was warm, yet I could sense a wall between us, one I wanted to break down.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked, settling into the chair across from him.

"Not at all," he replied, setting his phone aside. The conversation flowed easily as we talked about mundane things-what I'd seen around the estate and his plans for the day. But beneath the surface, I felt the itch of restlessness. I needed to break free from the monotony that had settled in since I stopped being a maid.

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