A Lethal Liaison

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Alicia’s POV

The afternoon sun cast a warm glow through the window as I sat curled up on the couch, mindlessly playing a game on my phone. My thoughts drifted to Rainey. I missed her, missed the easy conversations and the way she could make me laugh no matter how bad things got. I had the urge to text her, just to let her know I was okay, but Kyoya’s warnings echoed in my mind. Don’t contact anyone yet. It’s safer that way. I sighed, putting my phone down. Maybe if I gained their trust more, I’d get a chance to reach out to her. But for now, I had to be patient, no matter how much it hurt.

“Hey,” Andy’s voice broke through my thoughts. I looked up to see him standing in the doorway, his expression serious. “Get dressed. We’re going out.”

I blinked, caught off guard. “Out? Where?”

“A negotiation meeting,” he replied, crossing his arms. “We’re going to a prestigious club, so dress accordingly.”

A negotiation sounded... boring, but a night out at a club? That was something I could get excited about. I shot up from the couch, a smile spreading across my face. “Got it!” I said, rushing off to my room, my mind buzzing with thoughts of dressing up. I didn’t notice the way Andy’s jaw tightened as he watched me leave.

Andy’s POV

The day began with a quiet knock on my door, a maid handing me a letter sealed with wax. I recognized the crest instantly, my stomach churning as I broke the seal. The letter was short, but the message was clear:

*“Hello, I am aware that for many years your father and I have had a peace pact. I would like to make an offer. I have some merchandise I think you would be very interested in.

Oh, and bring that pretty little lady of yours I saw yesterday with your second-in-command.


I crumpled the letter in my hand, fury bubbling beneath my calm exterior. The words played over in my head, the ‘otherwise’ sticking out like a warning sign. I had to bring Alicia, or this could turn ugly fast. I needed to talk to Kyoya.

I pulled out my phone, dialing his number. He picked up on the second ring.

“Boss?” Kyoya’s voice was casual, like nothing could rattle him.

“Meet me in my office. Now,” I said, not bothering to mask the tension in my voice.

“I’ll be there in five,” he replied before hanging up. I sat at my desk, trying to keep my anger in check. I didn’t want Alicia caught up in this, but they’d dragged her into it, and now I had to find a way to keep her safe.

Kyoya entered the office a few minutes later, closing the door behind him. “What’s got you in a mood?” he asked, leaning against the wall with a smirk.

I tossed the crumpled letter onto the desk. “Read it.”

He scanned the letter, his eyes narrowing. “So, they’re threatening us now?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “Charming.”

“I don’t like this. I don’t want to involve her,” I said, my voice low. “This isn’t her world. It’s dangerous.”

“And you think I’m happy about it?” Kyoya shot back, his casual demeanor slipping for a moment. “But we don’t have a choice. The ‘otherwise’ is a clear threat. If we don’t bring her, we’ll be walking into an ambush, and they’ll know we’re scared. That’s worse.”

I leaned forward, hands pressed against the desk. “If anything happens to her—”

“Nothing will happen,” Kyoya interrupted, his eyes cold and sharp. “We won’t let it. I’ll keep an eye on her the whole time. But if you go in without her, you’re handing them a reason to come after us.”

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⏰ Last updated: 4 hours ago ⏰

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