Harry s new beggings

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A/n Atom iz back :3 we are has bone marrow
Cancer and a whole thing happened with a dragon our nonchalant dredhed bf left us no biggie tho sry 4 not posting 😜

Harry wakes early in the morning blinking slowly his head is pounding and his eyeliner is smudged he rolls over feeling empty spot next to him where y/n should be he looked down forlornly feeling his heart break Y/n's tight , undulating hole was stuck in the forefinger o💜f his HEAD💜.

Harry rolls over and lays his arm over y/n. Y/n arm muscles were veiny and tattoo covered. Y/n stiffened at the feeling of Harry hands traced around the sculpted muscles of Y/n's gut. Y/n rolls onto Harry straddling his hips with their legs and leaning down to kiss him. "I love you" Harry says. " I love you too" y/n says leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. Harry's hand raises to wipe y/n's falling hair out of. Their face . His studded bracket rubbed against y/n's skin softly. "I have to tell you something" Harry says as his eyes widens and makes eye contact with y/n ...
To be continued
So yah :333333 I will update like next week or sooner we r bak

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⏰ Last updated: 13 hours ago ⏰

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