chapter 17: Intimate Moment

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Zayn and Niall lay together, their bodies entwined under the covers. Niall's hand moved beneath the blankets, finding Zayn's length. Zayn's eyes fluttered closed as Niall's fingers wrapped around him, feeling himself grow in Niall's hand. The gentle touch sent shivers down Zayn's spine, and he moaned softly.

Their friendship had never crossed this line before, but in this moment, it felt right. Niall's hand moved in rhythm, and Zayn's breath caught. He was close, his body tensing. Niall's grip tightened, and Zayn's moans escaped into the night.

As Zayn came in Niall's hand, he lay there, breathless. Niall covered them under the blankets, licking his hand clean before cuddling close to Zayn. Their hearts beat together, the darkness outside receding. In this moment, they were one, their bond strengthened by a connection deeper than friendship.

Niall's eyes locked onto Zayn's, filled with warmth. Zayn's eyes sparkled, his face relaxed. They lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, their friendship remaining unspoken but palpable in the silence. Their hearts spoke a language only they understood – a language of love, trust, and intimacy.

As they drifted off to sleep, Zayn's thoughts swirled. What did this mean for their friendship? Was this a one-time moment or something more? Niall's gentle snores reassured him, and Zayn's eyelids grew heavy.

The night wrapped around them, a cocoon of secrecy. Tomorrow would bring questions, but for now, they basked in the afterglow. Zayn's hand found Niall's, intertwining their fingers. This felt right; this felt like home.

Their bodies swayed gently, a synchronized rhythm. Sleep claimed them, but their hearts remained awake, beating as one.

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