Chapter 12

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*Same day*

I gasp quietly as I take in what Katherine just told me.

"How did you know?"

"There's a strong sense of power to you. That man coming after you, he must have picked up on it also. He is a werewolf hunter. They are their own form of Phantom. They cannot see, only smell. The other wolves hide their scent. But I'm guessing you didn't after your wolfing a few days ago. You don't have to everytime, but the first wolfings leave the most scent."

"So he can't see?"

"No. He doesn't have eyes. Only smell, like I said. Your scent of power is overwhelming, so he quickly picked up."

No eyes?!

"How do I hide it?"

"Ask the guys I was about to introduce you to. They are from the Hellion pack house."

"How many are in that pack house?"

"Well, because it is a small town, only about 71." Katherine answers honestly.

Should I ask her about the glowing eyes she and the pale men have?

I think about it.

No, I don't have time.

"Thanks, I'll ask them later."

I clutch the bag of WereHunt and I run, surprisingly fast, to my house, slamming the door behind me.

I quickly sprinkle the dust in every window and entrance door, which is quite a workout because the house is so large.

I quickly run up to my room and curl up in my bed, and in a few minutes, I hear a loud pounding at my door.

He pounds on every window and entrance door for about half a hour, trying to find his way in.

I quickly slide under my bed, and curl up under there, so when he comes to my window he doesn't see me.

I fall asleep in fright, curled up in fetal position under my bed.

*2 hours later. 1 PM

I wake up, rub my eyes and try to stretch. Quickly remembering what happened, I slid out from under my bed quickly and I run down the stairs, my feet pounding on the wooden steps.

I run out my door to Aster's house and I ring her doorbell.

The door creaks open and sitting in her living room is a black cat with the same red eyes as the stone on Aster's choker.

"Hey kitty," I say cautiously, afraid the cat will claw my eyes out. "Where's your owner?"

The cat strides out waving its tail to another room, and I stay in my same spot, afraid of the fact that I am now alone in a dark room in a maybe evil witches house.

"Kitty?" I call out, my voice slightly wavering.

"Albert? Alfred?"

What's that broom's name again?



"Aclein?" I call out, but the broom does not 'sweep' over to me.

"Kitty? Can you in some way tell me how to get to the Hellion Pack House? I need to talk to some guys there." The cat, of course, doesn't reply or even come back to me.

"I'll tell you how to get there." A male voice says in my head.


"I'm Jake. From the Hellion House."

How do I talk to him?

"Hello?" He asks.

"Oh right, you don't know how to mind link. Just go to Town Center."

I walk out of Aster's house and close the creaking door behind me.

Should I meet this stranger?

He could be an axe murderer! Or a serial killer! Or a... wizard!

I think for a bit.

Yeah, meeting a wizard would be cool.

But wizards don't 'mind link' or whatever.

I recall reading a book that said that only werewolves can mind link with each other.

Ok, so he's a werewolf. And he is going to take me to the Hellion House.

I decide to meet up with this voice in Town Square.

After a not so long walk on the cobblestone roads, I finally reach Town Square, and standing in the center is two tan men, most likely werewolves.

"Hey!" I call out.

The guys elbow each other, and most likely because of my werewolf hearing, I can hear them argue.

"She's hotter than I thought! I will talk to her!" One of them says.

"Well I mind linked her! And she's smokin'!" The other guy says, and I assume this is Jake.

My confidence slightly boosts because of their words, but I know I have to break them up because they are starting to tackle one another.

"Guys!" I call out, getting them to freeze in their tracks and look at me, "First off, I could hear you." They both flush scarlet. "Second, don't fight, you can both talk to me." I say, smirking.

They smile sheepishly at me, but yet Jake (I think that's Jake.) Cannot refuse leaving one last punch on the other guy. Of course, the other guy has to return the favor, so the fight just continues.

I sigh and roll my eyes at them.
"Listen," I say, "I need to know more about werewolves. If you guys aren't going to help me, then I'll find someone who will."

They stop in their tracks and Jake quickly speaks up, "Ok, ok. I'm Jake," He says, confirming my thoughts, "And this is Dog." He says, pointing to the guy besides him.

Dog? Ok then.

"You know," I say, "I don't really have to go to the house, we could just go to the Grill and discuss there."

"No," Dog says, "Everyone can hear us. Including hunters, which we don't want."

"We have a place we an go to," Jake says, "It's in the woods near a lake. Very isolated."

"Does the lake have a waterfall?" I ask either one of them.

"Yes." Both Dog and Jake reply in unison.

"Is there a cliff on one side?" I ask again.

"Yes." Dog and Jake reply, again in unison.

"Yeah that place is not isolated," I say, remembering the fairy.

"Have you been there?" Jake asks?

"Yeah, actually I have. I was robbed. By a fairy."

"They stare at me, but they don't crack up like I thought they would.

"Ok, then we can go to one of our training places." Dog suggests.

"Sure," I agree.

We head off in the direction of what I'm guessing is one of their training areas.

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