Chapter 6

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Lunar: Waxing Gibbous

I wake up, stretched out on the king sized bed. It's better then any bed I could ever buy. It is made of dark wood that stretches up to make canopy frames. The curtain for the canopy is a creme colored silk, which is also what the bed sheets are made of.
The pillows are large and fluffy, and you sink into them when you lay down.

After laying in bed for around 25 minutes, I decide it's finally time to wake up and face the day.

I stand up and look around the room. The walls are a dark red, and the floors are a very dark brown. The ceiling is a dark color, and a black chandelier hangs down with real candles that are lit.

Weird, I don't remember them being lit when I went to bed or woke up.

There are two bay windows with a dark brown frame on the side of the room thats' wall touches the outside.

There is one large white, furry rug on the floor in the center. There are old, oval shaped picture frames (like one I posted picture of) around the room with portraits of women and some men who look like they are from the 14th century.

One picture frame catches my eye, it is black or maybe dark brown framed, but it doesn't have a portrait in it, for it has a mirror in it.

I walk to look at it, but I don't see my reflection. Nor do I see the reflection of the room, I see what looks like a different room.

I reach my hand forward, ready to touch it, when I hear Stacie yell.

"DONUT TOUCH IT!!!!!" She shrieks at me, appearing by my side.

I pull my hand back and I look at her, surprised but yet trying to hide my laugh. "Did you just tell me to donut touch it?"

"I meant don't." She says, her face serious. "Don't ever think about touching that port--" she stops herself, "that mirror."


"Just don't. Now come downstairs and eat, we have a lot to do today." She disappears.

I leave my new room behind, walking down two flights of stairs and into the kitchen.

The kitchen is huge and magnificent. It has dark oak counters with a granite countertop, and there is an island that is the same. The fridge looks stainless steel, it has two doors up top and a freezer drawer on the bottom.

The ovens... are ovens. Well, they look better than mine did!

The wall again is dark red and the floor is a dark parquet floor, which looks amazing.

I open the fridge, it is completely empty.

Stacie appears next to me.
"Oh yeah. What would you like to eat?"

"Well, I usually eat cold pizza, but I didn't have much choice."

"Ok..." She says, "So would you like some pancakes with some coffee?"

"Yeah sure," I say while sitting down at a bar stool in front of the island counters.

"What kind of coffee?"

Not being familiar with drinking coffee I say, "The kind you drink?"

Stacie bursts out laughing and she doubles over, clutching her stomach.

After about 5 minutes of laughing, she finally calms down and stands upright once again.

"You know what?" She giggles, "How about I just pour you some orange juice?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I say, not understanding what was so funny.

She swipes her hand over the fridge, then makes a 'come here' motion to the fridge door, and it opens, but now it has inside a glass of Orange juice and a plate of pancakes.

"What..." I whisper, amazed.

"Come get it, I don't feel like floating them over to you."

I stand up, get my food, and sit back down at the island counter to eat.

**After Breakfast**

"I'm stuffed." I say, rubbing my belly cartoonishly.

"Well," Sacie says, "Hope you can still walk because we got some people to meet!"

I sigh and stand up, and we head to the door.

We leave the house and walk to the sidewalk infront of it and turn right, going to our neighbor that is to the right of my new house.

This house is tall, dark, and it seems to loom over us.

The black paint doesn't peel anywhere, it seems as if it was painted to perfection.

We walk up to the house and step up the small step leading to the porch.

"Ok. So in here," Stacie says, "lives Aster Redwood. She's a witch."

"Knock. You know I can't." Stacie says.

I reach forward to knock, but the door opens before I can. I look around for Stacie but I guess she 'poofed' away.

"Welcome! I have been expecting you, Luna Aura." A woman's voice says, and I infer that this woman is Aster.

How does she know my name?

She has curly, dark brown hair with a black dress on, with a choker that has a red stone in it.

"So I hear you are new in the werewolf world and the town? Don't worry, the wolves know all about your arrival. And every other supernatural being."

"Yeah. I guess I'm still in shock about what's actually going on."

"Come inside," she says as she gestures through the door, "We have much to discuss."

I walk in and the door slams behind me.

Did Stacie happen to mention whether Aster was a good or evil witch?

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