Chapter 14

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*Still the same day * Time: 5:30 PM

(The house above is the Hellion Pack House)

We walked for a while until we came to another clearing, but in this one was an enormous log house. You could see the woods all around the house and the ground around the house is paved with stone. A small fire pit rests before the house with two wooden benches around it.

Wow, this is amazing, I think to myself.

I sense the presence of other wolves, and they clearly sense me, because many of them are coming out of the house of stopping their play fighting just to look at me.

I don't look at my feet, but I just stare back at each of them.

"Well, let's go meet Alpha." Dog says as he begins to lead me inside.

Dog and Jake both steer me around the house and we head downstairs into the basement.

Then from the basement, we head down again to a second basement.

And then we reach the third basement.

Holy moly, that's a lot of basements.

Basement number 3 has stone floor and stone walls, with a large dark wooden desk with a regal seal, in which sat a superior-looking man.

Other then the desk, the room was furnished with paintings, couches, and bookshelves. And a few lights, of course, here and there, adding an eerie glow to the room.

The man sitting in the seat has long brown hair, tied in a braid running down to a bit below his shoulder blades.

His face was covered in scars and he had a stern expression. His eyes were bright yellow, but not glowing.

His outfit (What I could see) was a very old-style top. He had a watch connecting to a chain coming out of his pocket.

"Who is this?" He growls at both Dog and Jake, who cower when Alpha talks, unlike me.

"T-this is Luna, sir." Dog stutters.

"She want to know why she can see the vampires glowing eyes."

"And so what's the reason you can't tell her?" He asks in a gruff voice.

"Well, she was bitten. Not turned at 18." Dog replys.

"Leave." Alpha commands to Dog and Jake, and they immediately obey, leaving me alone with this strange man.

"Sit." He commands, gesturing to a chair infront of him.

I hesitantly obey, sitting on the small, wooden chair infront of his desk.

"Who is your mother?" He asks me.

"Um.. both my mom and dad dissapeared when I was a baby." I reply slowly, not wanting to share my personal life with this stranger.

"Ah. I see." He replys to my crumby answer.

"So the answer..." I ask, trying to get to the point.

"Well." He begins, "You most likely come from the line of original werewolves. You had to be bitten because the generation faded out, probably because you didn't learn about werewolves, nor did your parents. But you being bitten brought the Power out, and you just reawakened your very ancient bloodline.

"Ok. So I'm like a Original like from Vampire Diaries or something?"

"What?" He sneers, "That show isn't even grasping the reality of this 'life!' Well now you know why you can see glowing eyes. Now leave." He commands.

As I leave and look back at him, he seems to be slightly frightened that I am a Original, maybe because of the power I hold.

Or whatever.

I climb the old, creaky, wooden stairs and leave the pack house, heading back home to take a nap or something. And I know that tomorrow I will be forced into werewolf form again.

I mentally prepare myself for this as I walk into my house and into my room, laying down on the bed, above the covers.

I stand back up and change into some old clothes I wouldn't mind if they get ruined. Then I lay back down, closing my eyes.

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Sorry for the short chapter :/

But please answer my question I asked at the beginning of the chapter.

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