Chapter 1

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**Lunar Cycle: New Moon
**Season: Fall

I made sure my apron was tied tight, and my hair in a clean, tight ponytail. I ready myself for the caffeine addicts who will come into the shop.
Brenda, the store owner, walks to the door and flips the 'closed' sign to 'open'.
"Put on your smiles, the day has begun!" She yells to the workers, including me.
Now the day at Coffee Co. begins, and I ready myself for the mostly rude customers who will come into the store.
After about 5 minutes, the morning rush begins and three customers enter the store and sit down at tables, made to look neat and appealing.
I walk to a customer, and put on the fake smile I have grown to know.
The customer I approached was what most people would call a "basic white girl".
Her long blonde hair reaches below her shoulders, sunglasses covering her eyes, which were most likey drowned in makeup. She had the newest iPhone with a pink case in her hand, and a pink Victora Secret hoodie with black leggings and brown uggs.
I smile kindly and politely, but also cheerfully, and I ask what she would like.

"Well," she smacks her lips "I want a Mini Caramel Ribbon Crunch crème Frappuccino blended crème okay? And make it fast, I have places to be."

"Anything else?" I ask kindly.

"If I wanted anything else, I would have said it!" She snaps, "Now get my drink!"

I turn to the Frappuccino machine, my smile gone, and I make her drink while muttering rude things about that spoiled brat.
Once I finish and turn back to her, my smile is back on my face.

"Here you go, enjoy!" I say in my kindest voice possible.

She leaves without a tip or a thank you, her drink in one hand and phone in other.

I head to other tables, which most are filled now, pick a person, and I walk to them, smiling.


I check the clock, 6 minutes till my shift is over.

Most of the other waitresses are in the break room, leaving one last customer to me.

I walk up to him, tighten my ponytail, and smile.

He looks somewhat suspicous, but that doesn't stop me, because for all I know he might leave a tip.

His black sunglasses cover his eyes, he has a black hoodie that casts a shadow on his face. His lips are in a grim line, looking disappointed or sad, maybe even mad, I can't tell.

"Hello, may I take your order?" I ask cheerfully.

"No." He says, with conplete seriousness.

"Then what..." I trail off, leaving my sentence unfinished.

"Sit." He commands, motioning to the seat infront of his.

I cannot understand why I do, but for some reason, I feel I have to obey.

"Yes?" I ask, timidly.

He stares at me through his shades, his unseen eyes boring into my skull.

After what seems as 5 minutes, I get up and leave, my smile long gone.

"My shifts over," I whisper.

I take off my apron, put it on my hook, and as I leave through the glass door, I feel his eyes staring at my back.

Untying my ponytail, I head down the block, in the direction my apartment is located.

As I pass a shop window, behind me I see a man with sunglasses and a long hood following me.

This can't be the same guy, can it?

I pick up the pace, hoping to leave him behind.

I walk down an alley, not to escape him, at the end of the dark, brick alley is my apartment door.

I shuffle around my purse hurridly, desperate to find my house keys.

My fingers find them, and I lead the key into my door. It doesn't fit!

Wrong key, wrong key! I dig around my purse, looking for my real house keys. I find them, but I drop them between my feet.

I lean over, and from in between my legs I see two black boots.
I stand up abruptly and turn around, only to see his hand, in black leather gloves, cover my mouth and eyes.

I feel him pressing a spot on my neck, and I black out.

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