the ice admiral

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The crew has been sailing for three days ever since they arrived back to the blue seas from Skypiea. Luffy was on the deck of where the Merry's figurehead was, he was also checking out his sword from his waist wondering if you could use it again because It's been a while since he has used his sword, "Hope". even though he has a good swordsmanship, but it was enough to defeat strong fighters who uses swords even though he could be combine it with Haki, it doesn't change much. He plans on upgrading his sword once he reaches Water 7, but just shrugged as he waits to get to the next island

The rest of the crew were scattered around the ship, Sanji was cooking food, Robin was chilling in the kitchen reading a book, Ussop was on the rear deck inventing a new weapon with Zoro on the deck with him and Nami, Zoro was lifting some weights, Chopper was restocking the medical supplies with Kaya, Spectral was keeping view of the sea to see if they see an island nearby which he did see

"Yo! I see an Island!!" Spectral yelled from the crow's nest, which caught everyone's attention which made everyone stop what they were doing and see the island their selves

"It's a little bit far away" Luffy said as he jumped onto the figurehead "I think they're some fog around the island maybe"

"And with this wind It will probably take us a while even if it's pretty far away" Nami said as the others look at the sails. The Going Merry sailed forward very slowly to the direction of the island. after half hour later they made it to the island, they seem on edge to find a ship here that it was found on the island, it had no sails or flag and only had people on board. When they Merry finally made it through the fog they arrived at the island only to find grass and trees as the can see

"This island seems uninhabited" Robin commented as she looked towards the island

"It's really nothing but grass and trees as far we can see" Luffy said as he stared towards the island "It's like a blank state."

"Well, I'm ready to explore the island" Ussop said as he got off the ship and step food on the Island "I'm pretty sure there is more than grass and trees" he said while getting off the ship with Chopper following behind him

"He may be right, but there could be trouble here." Spectral said, causing everyone on the ship nodded, Spectral see Ussop & Chopper running far ahead "Hey you two!! don't go so far ahead you don't want to end up like Zoro does who gets himself lost every time!!!" he said causing Zoro to grow a Tickmark on his face, Luffy & Robin just giggled at that

"WHAT DID YOU SAY SPECTRAL? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!" Zoro yelling at him, Spectral just laughed at him, although Zoro has respect for Spectral because they saved him from a government ship "But I still have respect for you, I'll give you that" causing Spectral to smile at him

"Thanks Zoro, I have respect for you too, but let's hurry and not let those two wanders around" Spectral said, and everyone jumped ship, when Luffy landed on the island his attention was immediately drawn to his right where he saw a white bear walking upright, and extremely tall

"What the hell is this Island?" Luffy asked himself as he stares at the bear walking around the island

"Hey Luffy!" Ussop called out to his captain, while holding an apple in his hand "check out this apple" he then shows Luffy the apple which was very long and surprising his captain

"What a strange Island this is" Luffy said as he was walking to grab one of apples from the tree, Vivi, Ussop and Chopper went to examine the house from a far distance as they were leaving the others behind, Luffy and the others just grabbed some apples before sitting down under the trees and eating them while staring at the animals on the island

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