-Thirty Two-

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Bryce POV

I was lying on my bed, scrolling through my phone aimlessly, still too awake to sleep. The house was quiet, and in the darkness, the sounds outside were muted but somehow sharper. It had been a long day of classes and patrol updates, and the mix of exhaustion and adrenaline made it hard to relax. I sighed and rolled over, about to just force myself to sleep, when I heard a soft tap at the window.

My heart jumped, and I sat up, knowing exactly who it had to be. I slipped out of bed and walked over, pulling back the curtain to see Jordan standing there, a small grin on his face. His hair was tousled in that end-of-the-day way, and even though we'd seen each other at school earlier, the sight of him here—out of the blue—made my heart skip.

I cracked open the window quietly, whispering, "You do realize we have a front door, right?"

He laughed softly, that low sound that always makes my pulse quicken. "But this is way cooler, don't you think?" He slipped through the window with ease, landing in my room as if he'd been doing it forever.

As he straightened up, he looked around my room with a comfortable familiarity that made me feel oddly at peace. He tossed his bag onto my chair, his eyes bright despite the late hour. "So," he said, walking over to me, "ready to tell me how much homework you haven't done?"

I rolled my eyes, grinning. "Don't start. I'll get it done. Eventually." I gestured to the small pile of books on my desk. "You're lucky I'm even awake."

Jordan chuckled, plopping down beside me on the bed. "Homework's overrated anyway," he murmured, and I could feel the warmth of him so close.

We spent a few minutes talking, catching up on the random bits of the day that we hadn't texted each other about—like who had the worst joke during lunch, or why my science teacher insisted on drilling us about ocean currents. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a small box of sushi, clearly from his earlier dinner, and handed it to me with a grin. "Figured you didn't eat much again."

I took it gratefully, rolling my eyes. "You know, people don't normally show up to someone's room with sushi at this hour."

He shrugged, his gaze soft. "Guess I'm not most people."

We shared the sushi, laughing about the day's small victories and absurdities, and for a while, it was just easy. Comfortable. Jordan stretched out beside me, his head propped up on his hand as he told me a funny story about one of his teachers who had confused calculus with cooking terms in a lesson.

As we finished the last bite of sushi, a quiet settled over us. I closed my eyes, feeling a drowsy kind of peace in the soft darkness. Just being here with him, with no pretenses and no pressure, was everything I hadn't realized I needed.

Jordan shifted beside me, and then, to my surprise, he began to hum softly, the familiar melody of Sayo by Silent Sanctuary drifting into the silence. I felt my heart swell, warmth spreading through me as I listened. His voice was low, soothing, and somehow hearing him sing that song made me feel... safe.

Slowly, I leaned closer, resting my head on his chest, feeling the gentle rise and fall as he kept singing. My eyes grew heavier with each note, and the day's weight seemed to melt away with every soft beat of his heart.

"Bryce?" he murmured, glancing down at me.

"Mhm?" I mumbled, already half-asleep.

His voice softened, wrapping around me like a blanket. "Nothing. Just... rest."

I didn't even have the strength to respond. The last thing I remember was his voice trailing off, the final notes of the song fading as sleep claimed me.

Alisa POV

The night air clung to Jaro Plaza like a heavy mist, making each sound sharper, every shadow feel alive. Jordan, Jace, and I moved quietly along the narrow paths between old buildings, senses on high alert as we scanned for any trace of Tikbalanugo vampires. Patrolling like this, with a purpose, a team—it was the best feeling. There was a rush in my veins, the kind of thrill that only comes when life's on the line. I may have grumbled about this responsibility to Jace before, but in my bones, it felt right.

I glanced over at Jordan, who was moving quietly but with a hint of tension in his jaw. He wasn't his usual self tonight; something seemed to weigh heavy on his mind, his eyes darting every so often in thought. I nudged him with my elbow, giving him a questioning look. "Hey, everything good?"

Jordan snapped out of it, forcing a quick, casual smile. "Yeah, just thinking," he replied. But his tense shoulders and far-off gaze told a different story. As we fell a few steps behind Jace, I wondered if this was my chance to bring up something that had been gnawing at me.

"Jordan," I whispered, my voice barely above a murmur, "are you sure about... Bryce?" I knew it was skating dangerously close to what Bryce confided in me, but I couldn't help it. My friend was hurting, and if this was a way to help him, then I had to take it.

Jordan's face softened, and he nodded slowly. "I'm sure, Alisa. More than sure. Bryce is worth everything." The way he said it, with calm confidence, hit me hard. Bryce meant the world to him—that much was obvious.

I leaned in closer, lowering my voice. "So, how did it all start? I mean, you and Bryce?"

Jordan's face lit up as he chuckled softly. "Believe it or not, it started with music. He shared this song, 'Sayo' by Silent Sanctuary, and... I don't know. The way he connected to it, how it meant so much to him—it just clicked for me."

I could practically see it now—Bryce's face lighting up as he shared his favorite music with someone who got it, who got him. A small ache formed in my chest for Bryce. He had that kindness about him that just invited people to care about him, even if he didn't always believe he deserved it.

Jordan continued, his voice softer now. "He doesn't try to be anything he's not around me. Just... Bryce. And that's enough."

I couldn't help smiling, warmed by the pure honesty in his voice. Bryce really was lucky. But his world wasn't always kind, and the harsh truth that Jordan's mom disapproved hung over them both like a dark cloud. I bit my lip, not wanting to dwell on that thought, but knowing how much it could eat away at Bryce if it ever became a real issue.

"Jordan," I said, my voice firmer than before, "just remember: Bryce means a lot to me too, and if you guys ever need help, I'm here. You know that, right?"

Jordan looked at me, his gratitude obvious in his eyes. "Thanks, Liss. Really, that means everything."

Just then, Jace stopped ahead of us, his stance alert and his gaze focused on a dark alley near the edge of the plaza. The air grew tense, and I felt my instincts kick in, my pulse quickening.

"We've got company," Jace whispered, his voice barely audible.

Adrenaline coursed through me, a grin spreading across my face as I whispered back, "Well, well, looks like the night just got interesting." I couldn't resist; my pulse was humming, and I knew Jace would probably roll his eyes at my attitude. But hey, if I had to risk my life hunting Tikbalanugo, I might as well make it fun.

Jace shot me an exasperated look, though his lips twitched in amusement. "You always have to make it a game, don't you?"

I shrugged, grinning. "Keeps me sharp. It's like Scooby-Doo, only, you know... way less cartoonish." I flashed a thumbs-up at Jordan, who seemed amused despite the tension. I was proud of him. Whatever worries he carried about Bryce or his mom, he was still here, fighting by our side.

Jace raised a hand, signaling for us to spread out. "Alright, you two. Jordan, cover the left; Alisa, you take the right. I'll head up front. Eyes open, and let's keep quiet. We're just scouting."

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