-Thirty Three-

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Bryce POV 

The bright lights of SM City's hallway were a jarring change after the cozy darkness of the theater. Walking alongside Prudence and Kristy, I could feel the energy buzzing between us as we rehashed every detail of Mario Maurer's latest film, a classic romance about longing and the patience it takes to wait for someone you love. The three of us were all still half-lost in the story, our hearts lingering on every unspoken promise the characters had left on the screen.

Lydia was trailing behind us, surprisingly part of the group for once. It wasn't exactly her scene, but Prudence had somehow convinced her to join us. I thought maybe she could use the break too, especially since her usual expression of indifference seemed softer tonight. But when Prudence turned to ask, "So, what'd you all think? Could you wait years for someone like that?" Lydia just shifted uncomfortably.

Kristy made a face. "Wait years? I don't know about that. Maybe if it was Mario Maurer himself."

I grinned, lost in thought as I tried to imagine what that kind of commitment would really feel like. I couldn't help but admire the girl's patience in the movie, how she hung on to hope and held her feelings like an anchor. It was one thing to say yes to that kind of waiting in the dreamy glow of a film, but in real life, it was different. Real life didn't have the soundtrack or the soft lighting.

Ahead, I saw Lydia's expression tense as we approached a group of basketball players from our school. And right in the middle of them was her ex. Even from a distance, he had that same arrogant air, like he thought the world revolved around him. I glanced over at Lydia, watching her fold into herself, her gaze fixated on the floor, her lips pressed into a thin line. Her discomfort was almost palpable. I knew that feeling well, the way memories and unease stirred up in the presence of someone who'd hurt you. Without thinking, I tried to distract her, to say something that might ease the tension.

"Hey, Lydia..." I said, keeping my tone casual, as if I hadn't noticed her discomfort at all. But her response was immediate, her tone sharper than I'd expected.

"What, Bryce?" She shot me a look, her eyes guarded, the kind of look someone has when they're used to people taking too much interest in things that aren't their business.

I was about to say something reassuring when, as I stepped back, I bumped into someone. Turning quickly, I found myself face-to-face with none other than Jordan's mom. She looked just as surprised as I was, her eyes flashing with something that wasn't quite annoyance but wasn't warm either. A small distance settled between us, and I could almost feel a silent boundary drawing itself around her.

"Oh, sorry!" I apologized with a polite smile, even though I felt a strange tension settle over us. "Didn't see you there."

For a brief moment, her face softened, but she kept her expression carefully neutral, her hands folded tightly in front of her. "It's fine," she replied, her tone polite but distant. There was something in her look that made me feel as if I'd intruded, like she was seeing me with fresh eyes and not entirely liking what she saw.

The entire interaction only lasted a moment, but the feeling hung in the air as she gave a quick nod and continued walking in the opposite direction, her heels clicking in a rhythmic pattern that faded into the background noise of the mall. I turned back to the group, hoping no one had noticed the weird tension.

Prudence and Kristy, though, were both staring at me, eyebrows raised. Kristy tilted her head, looking genuinely curious. "What was that about?"

I shrugged, hoping to play it off. "Nothing. Just bumped into her, that's all." But inside, I couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling left behind, a faint residue of awkwardness mixed with something sharper. I wasn't sure if she knew about Jordan and me or if it was something else entirely, but whatever it was, it was obvious she hadn't looked thrilled to see me. Not exactly the reassuring reaction you hope for from your boyfriend's mom.

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