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Alisa POV 

The silence that followed my outburst hung in the air like a guillotine waiting to drop. I could feel every pair of eyes in the room locked onto me—some curious, others downright hostile. I didn't care. I wasn't about to sit through another speech about how only "purebloods" could handle this problem.

Elder Emilia was the first to break the silence, her voice dripping with condescension. "Alisa, this is a matter for the council and the Lakandugo warriors. The Dhampirs are not—nor have they ever been—equipped to handle such threats."

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms as I stared her down. "Oh, right, because being a Dhampir means I'm automatically useless. I forgot. My bad." I tossed a glance at Jace, who was trying—and failing—to look as though he wasn't concerned about the hole I was digging myself into. "Guess I'll just go sit quietly in a corner while the real vampires do all the work, huh?"

"You misunderstand the gravity of this situation," Emilia shot back, her tone growing icier. "This is not the time for your... rebellious antics. The Tikbalanugo are a threat, one that requires warriors with control, with training. Something you clearly lack."

The jab stung, but I wasn't about to let her see that. "Oh, I understand the situation just fine. But while you're all so focused on the Tikbalanugo, what about Emmett? And the newborn Lakandugo running wild in Iloilo? Or do you plan to ignore that problem too?"

A murmur rippled through the room at the mention of Emmett. I could see a few council members shifting uncomfortably in their seats. Emilia's jaw tightened.

"That matter is under control," she said sharply. "Emmett is a rogue, yes, but we have our warriors tracking him. The newborns are being monitored."

"Monitored?" I almost laughed, the absurdity of her words hitting me like a punch to the gut. "You mean like how you're monitoring the Tikbalanugo? Because, newsflash, both of those situations are spiraling out of control. If you don't take action soon, Iloilo's going to turn into a full-blown war zone."

Emilia's eyes flashed with fury, but she didn't get the chance to retort before another voice cut through the tension.

"She's right." It was one of the council members—an older vampire I didn't recognize, but apparently, he had enough guts to agree with me in a room full of Elders. "The reports about Emmett and the newborns have been concerning. Ignoring them could lead to more chaos."

I gave him a nod of appreciation. Finally, someone with a brain.

Emilia, however, wasn't having it. "The council has already decided how we will proceed. Emmett will be dealt with in time, but our focus must remain on the Tikbalanugo infestation."

"That's the problem with you, Emilia," I said, my voice growing louder, more defiant. "You're always waiting for the 'right time.' Meanwhile, Emmett's out there creating chaos, turning newborn Lakandugo, building his own army, and it's only a matter of time before the whole city feels the fallout. But I guess as long as you're safe in your ivory tower, it's all good, right?"

The room tensed. Even Jace, usually so calm and collected, looked like he was holding his breath. But I wasn't done yet. I had more to say.

"You're so busy playing politics, trying to control everything, that you're missing the bigger picture. If you don't act now, you're going to have two problems on your hands. And by then, it'll be too late."

"You dare speak to me like this?" Emilia's voice was low and dangerous, her eyes blazing with barely concealed rage. "You think you know more than centuries of tradition and experience? You, a Dhampir, who barely understands the weight of responsibility that comes with our power?"

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