-Twenty Five-

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Bryce POV

Everything was a blur of movement and fury, but the pain was gone. My body felt weightless, and the blood rushing through me was... electric. I could hear everything—every footstep, every heartbeat, and every breath as clear as day. The gym smelled like sweat, blood, and fear, but my senses were so sharp now, I could almost taste the air.

I wasn't sure what had just happened, but when I opened my eyes and saw Alisa lying crumpled on the floor, something inside me snapped. There was a fire in my chest, a rage I couldn't control, and it was aimed squarely at the Executioner standing over her. The armored brute who'd hurt her.

Before I even realized what I was doing, I was on my feet. And I wasn't afraid.

The Executioner barely turned his head before I slammed into him, sending him stumbling backward. My movements were fast—so fast it was like the world had slowed down around me. It was surreal. A rush of adrenaline, instinct, and power surged through me, like this was what I was meant for. Like I had been born for this.

He swung at me, a heavy fist aimed for my face, but I dodged it with ease. It was like watching him move in slow motion, every muscle, every shift of weight, so clear. His next punch missed me completely, and I countered with a strike to his side, hearing the satisfying crack of bone under his armor.

I can do this.

Without thinking, I ducked under his next swing, moving behind him with inhuman speed, and delivered a sharp kick to the back of his knees. The Executioner grunted as he buckled, and I didn't waste a second. I was on him in an instant, driving him into the ground with all the force I could muster.

He didn't get back up.

For a moment, everything was quiet. My chest was heaving, but I wasn't tired. I felt like I could keep going, like I had endless energy and strength. The Executioner groaned, trying to push himself up, but I slammed my fist into his face, and he slumped down, unconscious.

I had won.


Emilia's voice sliced through the fog in my head. I whipped around to see her watching me, arms crossed, but there was something different in her expression now. Her eyes were fixed on me, appraising me, like she was seeing me in a whole new light.

She walked toward me slowly, almost cautiously, her boots echoing on the gym floor. I didn't move, still processing everything that had just happened.

"You've adjusted quickly," she said, her tone almost impressed. "You've only just turned, yet you fight like a natural-born vampire.Perhaps I have second thoughts on you."

I could feel the tension in the room, but I couldn't take my eyes off Emilia. My body still thrummed with power, but hearing her say those words made me pause. I didn't want her approval. I didn't want this—being a vampire, fighting like some... monster. But here I was, standing victorious over one of her most trusted Executioners.

And somehow, I was good at it.

Her icy gaze flicked from me to the downed Executioner, and then back again. She tilted her head, considering me for a moment longer before a faint smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "Interesting," she murmured, almost to herself. "Very interesting."

I clenched my fists, a bitter taste rising in my mouth. I wanted to yell at her, to tell her I didn't want any of this, that I didn't ask to be turned into one of them. But I couldn't find the words. Not with the adrenaline still coursing through me.

Emilia gave me one last look before turning away, her interest seemingly satisfied for now. "Come," she called to her remaining Executioners. "We've done enough here for tonight. Let the boy have his fun."

Her words left a cold pit in my stomach as she strode toward the exit, her Executioners trailing behind her. None of them looked back. None of them even cared about the destruction they'd caused.

I stood there, fists still clenched, watching her disappear into the night. My heart pounded in my chest, though it was different now—steadier, more controlled. I glanced down at the unconscious Executioner at my feet, feeling the mix of triumph and dread swirl inside me.

My head was still spinning from everything that had happened. One minute I was trying to keep things together, the next I was punching out a full-grown vampire Executioner like it was no big deal. A surge of energy buzzed in my veins, but my mind? Oh yeah, it was a mess.


Jordan's voice broke through the fog of thoughts. He came barreling toward me, his face pale with worry. Behind him was Chimon, and not far behind that was Jace, who, as usual, was keeping his cool. Well, as cool as Jace could manage in a crisis, which probably meant he had at least five snarky comments lined up, waiting to burst out.

"Uh, hey guys," I said, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "So... did anyone else just see me punch out an executioner or was that, like, a really weird hallucination?"

Jordan blinked at me, half out of breath. "Nope. That was real. You took him down like... like Spider-Man on caffeine."

I shrugged, trying to keep it light. "Guess I'm just a natural. You know, born for this. Just didn't expect it to involve this much blood."

Chimon's eyes were distant, scanning the area like he was expecting Emmett or some other nightmare to jump out of the shadows. But Jace was all business. He dropped to his knees beside Alisa, who was still knocked out on the ground.

"Alisa's okay, right?" I asked, suddenly feeling the weight of what had really happened. The jokes felt hollow now.

Jace gave me a sharp nod. "She'll live. Tough as nails, remember?"

"Well, good," I said, letting out a breath. "Because I don't think I could handle more emotional trauma tonight. My therapist would be like, 'Bryce, you need to stop fighting executioners, it's bad for your self-esteem.'"

Jace shot me a look but didn't say anything as he carefully lifted Alisa into his arms. Despite the weight of the moment, I couldn't help but notice the way he handled her, like she was made of glass but he'd kill anyone who tried to break her.

"We need to get her to the canteen," Jace said. "She'll be safer there, and we can figure out what the hell just happened."

Jordan was still looking at me with wide eyes, his hand resting on my shoulder like he wasn't sure if I was about to explode or not. "You sure you're okay, man? That was... intense."

"Okay?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Jordan, I just punched out a vampire executioner and made Emilia look like she'd been caught without makeup. I think I'm in the running for 'Most Improved Vampire,' don't you?"

Jordan blinked. "That's... one way to put it."

Chimon finally spoke, his voice quiet but tense. "We should move. The longer we stay, the more danger we're in. Emmett might come back."

He was right. But something about Chimon's voice made me pause. There was something off. I couldn't put my finger on it, but ever since I'd overheard his argument with Emmett, a tiny seed of doubt had taken root in my mind.

"Yeah, let's get moving," I said, trying to shake off the weird vibes I was getting from Chimon. "But for the record, if Emmett comes back, I get the first punch. I've been practicing."

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