-Twenty Seven-

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Bryce POV

We were in a full-on scavenger hunt, weaving through one classroom after another in search of this elusive scientific calculator. And while hunting down random math devices might not have been how I'd planned to start my day, Jordan and I were now far too committed to quit.

"Remind me again," I said to Jordan as we peeked into another empty room, "why our school's chemistry class can't just have a stash of calculators? You'd think that'd be, like, basic supplies."

He smirked, shrugging. "Guess they figure we'll just calculate stuff in our heads. You know, vampire brain power and all that."

I snorted, nudging him with my shoulder. "Right, because that's what every student is doing at 8 a.m.—complex chemistry equations on no coffee and four hours of sleep."

Just then, two familiar voices cut through our conversation. "Well, well, what are you two up to?"

I turned to find Prudence and Kristy, Lydia's eternally cheeky, newly-vampire besties, lounging against the doorway, each sporting matching heart-shaped sunglasses and amused smirks. They looked like they were ready to pull off a harmless heist rather than help two classmates with some serious chemistry calculations.

"Let me guess," Kristy continued, crossing her arms. "You're not here to chat us up, are you?"

"Actually," Jordan said with a mock-serious tone, "we're on a mission of grave importance."

I threw up my hands, sighing dramatically. "Yeah, no big deal, but we're looking for a scientific calculator so we don't bomb our next chemistry class."

Prudence's eyes lit up. "A scientific calculator! The holy grail of high school science!"

Kristy rolled her eyes, grinning. "So this is what it's come to? The fearsome vampires on a quest for calculators. And here I thought you guys had better things to do, like saving the world or brooding in dark corners."

"Hey, we're versatile," I shot back, giving her a playful wink. "Save the world by night, fight off complex equations by day."

Prudence burst into giggles, nudging Kristy. "Come on, this is actually hilarious. We should help them out."

She gave me a sly look, leaning in like she was about to tell us some big secret. "You two might be in luck. There's one in the 3rd-year classrooms. I remember because Ms. Santos always hoards the good calculators there."

Kristy tossed her hair back dramatically. "Lead the way, esteemed heroes. To the world of scientific notation and logarithms!"

"Aw, you're gonna make us blush," I said, following them down the hall with Jordan.

They took their time, making a big show of pointing out every random detail in each classroom. "And here we have the math lab," Kristy said, gesturing grandly. "Home to calculators, of course—but none you're allowed to take."

"And over here," Prudence added with a flourishing wave, "the ever-exclusive Biology lab, full of...frogs. And regret."

Eventually, we reached the 3rd-year room, where Prudence casually snagged a calculator from a desk like it was her personal stash. She held it out in both hands, presenting it to us like it was the crown jewels. "Here it is: a true piece of machinery. For your chemistry needs."

Jordan took the calculator, holding it like he'd just been handed a magic artifact. "I swear, we're gonna name our firstborn quiz grade after you two."

Prudence and Kristy both giggled, practically beaming with pride. They seemed to love the attention, even if it was over a calculator.

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