-Twenty Four-

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Alisa POV

The gym smelled like sweat and bad decisions. I stepped inside, already regretting everything, but I'd regret it more in about five seconds. The sight that greeted me was straight out of a bad horror movie—rows of students standing awkwardly, their bodies trembling as if they were caught between the worst hunger pains of their lives and the desire to rip something apart. And in the middle of it all was Emmett, looking proud of his shiny new army of bloodsuckers. Because why settle for ruining just some lives when you can ruin all of them, right?

I had my stake ready before I even realized it, but I didn't move. I couldn't. Not yet. I was too busy counting the students, trying to gauge if there was any way in hell we could get out of this without adding my name to the casualty list. There were just... too many. Way too many. And then my stomach dropped when I saw her.

Ms. Chika.

The woman who once helped me pass math and stopped me from committing death-by-algebra now had blood smeared on her mouth and eyes that glowed red. The worst part? She didn't look torn up about it. No "woe is me" or "I didn't ask for this" energy. Nope, she was all in, prowling forward like a predator.

"Wow, Emmett, really?" I called out, trying to keep my voice steady. "Teachers now? You're recruiting school staff for your bloodthirsty fan club? What's next? The janitor?"

Emmett grinned like I'd just complimented his choice in neck scarves. "Isn't it beautiful? They're stronger than they've ever been. You wouldn't understand, Alisa. You still cling to that pitiful human half."

"Yeah, call me sentimental," I said, holding back the bile rising in my throat. "But I kind of like my friends not trying to eat me."

Emmett stepped forward, casual as if we were old pals catching up on life. "It's not too late. You could join us. Imagine what you could become with your full potential unlocked."

"Oh, sorry," I said, twirling my stake like it was a baton. "I'm already booked for this evening. Plus, not really a fan of groupthink. I like to make my own choices, y'know?"

He let out an amused chuckle, but I could see his patience wearing thin. Then Ms. Chika decided it was time to pounce. One second, she was standing with the other students, and the next, she was on me, fangs bared and claws out like a rabid cat.

"Whoa!" I dodged, barely missing the swipe of her nails. "Ms. Chika! Personal space! Remember when you taught us that? Social distancing is still a thing!"

She hissed, and the rest of the newborns followed her lead. They surged at me like a wave of starving wolves, and I was only just fast enough to avoid getting ripped apart. I ducked, rolled, and came up swinging, but it felt like I was trying to beat back an ocean with a toothpick. These kids were hungry, and hunger makes people do stupid, crazy things—like trying to gnaw on their classmate's throat.

I caught a glimpse of Jace out of the corner of my eye, diving into the fray with a cocky grin on his face, because of course he would. His foot slammed into the chest of one of the newborns, sending them flying backward.

"Really wish we could've picked a less crowded venue," he called over to me as he disarmed a vampire trying to claw his face off. "Next time, we're doing this in a library. Quieter. Less witnesses."

"Oh, sure, let's add 'narrow aisles' to the list of things that could kill us," I shot back, kicking another newborn in the chest.

"Hey, narrow aisles, narrow escape routes—what's not to love?" He ducked under a swing and spun around, driving his elbow into the nose of a newborn who got a little too close.

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