🍂 WINNERS: Poetry 🍂

65 16 16

Thank you to ZoeAlamort for judging this category!

Please join us in congratulating the Poetry winners of the Astania Community's Harvest Festival 2024:

with a score of 70.5/80...

Excavations by SeraDrake 

with a score of 68/80...

Hidden in the Heart by wordywonders 

with a score of 66/80...

Pretentious Ponderings by DeejayDJ010 


Winners, to receive your stickers, please create a ticket in our Discord server, The Writer's Hoard. Without the private messaging system on Wattpad, this is the best way for our staff to communicate effectively. In the ticket, please include the following information: your Wattpad username, your winning category, your placement (first, second, or third), and your story title.

All participants may request their scorecards through our Discord server's help ticket system, by reaching out to their judge in this chapter, or by reaching out to their judge on their message board.

Thanks to everyone for entering the Astania Awards! Congratulations to all!

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