🌿15. Matchmaker🌿

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Arun's unprecedented pleading was something I had never heard before, my heart raced, along with the tears of a person with an expressionless face, who never showed weakness, making my lips tremble with anger. Little by little, my fury grew, like a thermometer slowly rising to the top. I glared angrily at the woman who had thrown hot soup.

"What do you think you're doing!?" 

"I... it's just..."

It seemed that even the cook herself was shocked by the sudden outburst. Emotions came faster than reasoning, and before she realized the grave mistake she had made, she had already thrown the soup.

"I'm going to kill you!"

And now, I was just like that woman. I pulled away from Arun and run towards the cook, trying to grab her and slap her. But, quickly, I was held by the waist, by Janephop's skillful hands, to the point that my feet left the ground.

"Let me go! I'm going to kill you! If you don't let me go, I'll kill you too, Janephop!"

"You can't, Miss, killing someone is a sin, you're going to hell."

"I'm not afraid, hell is my home, didn't you know? Let me go!"

I was still screaming, furious, while dozens of eyes turned to me, who was in an explosion of rage. I flailed my arms, trying to free myself and reach Janephop's hair, pulling it with all my strength.


"Let go!"

"Miss, you need to calm down. I don't want you to get into trouble. Killing is a sin."

"Do you know what the God of Death calls me?"


"He calls me 'darling'. Now let me go!"

Just as I was about to go crazy with rage, everyone around me started to scatter like ants running away from water, when another authoritative voice echoed in the room.

"What's going on... Miss Arun!"

Mawin, who had probably been informed of the commotion, quickly arrived, observing the situation and staring at me as I struggled in Janephop's arms.

"Hold her tight, Janephop, before this gets worse." 


The two of them understood each other with a few words, while I was still clinging to Janephop's hair, struggling, but I noticed out of the corner of my eye Mawin holding Arun gently in his arms. That calmed me down a little.

"Where are you taking Arun?"

"To the hospital. Stop acting like a crazy person!"

"I'll come with you!"

However, Janephop still didn't let go of me. Mawin looked at him suspiciously before giving him a cautious order.

"Carry this girl on your shoulders and come with me."


And then I was placed on Janephop's shoulders, who was calm and collected, as he walked, surrounded by many eyes. Is this being careful when giving orders? I became a hunted boar, hanging like this, as we walked.

But it was okay... At least I could follow along and see how Arun was doing.

JanPop: "Miss Arun is already in the emergency room. Don't worry, I'll take care of things here."

Janephop sent a message informing that he had taken Arun to the hospital. Meanwhile, I had a small burn on my elbow; even though it was just a small splash, it was hurting quite a lot.

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