🍃19.Taddao Bussaya🍃

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It’s been two days since the two of us have spoken or asked each other how we were. The atmosphere between us is thick with tension, like a thick cloud of smoke that never dissipates. PM 2.5 dust[1] can’t compare to it. And forest fires? Don’t make me laugh.

On the third day, it seems that Arun’s patience is starting to wear thin. That morning, before we go to work, the sweet-faced person called my name for the first time.

“Khun In?”

But I, who am already naturally stubborn and sensitive, hold on to my pride and refused to act like a puppy waiting for its mother to be fed.

I pretended not to hear and left the room without even glancing at the sweet-faced person like I had done before.

“Haven’t you two made up yet, Miss In?”

Janephop, who is a wise, alert and cheerful person, a kind of arhat[2] in all aspects related to me, asked with concern. I am not sure what my face reveals today, but it make my friend and coworker sigh and shake his head in disapproval. 

"Fighting like that, don't you two feel uncomfortable sleeping together?" 

"I am an expert at fighting with people. Especially at sulking, I am number one at that. You know that better than anyone." 😅

 "Yeah, I know." 


 I bared my teeth at him again and used a somewhat threatening tone. Of course, Janephop know exactly how I feel. He has known me all my life. And yes... he is right. I have sulked with him countless times. But with Arun BekFah, I had never experienced that before. And I had also never met anyone who made me feel so hurt and resentful like this. When my gesture of goodwill was treated as if it meant nothing, how could I not be hurt?

"Do you think you can go back to normal easily? Talk without caring about the feelings of the listener and then just reset everything as if nothing had happened? That would be too easy."

"And when you fought, didn't you throw bad words in her face? That doesn't seem like the Intuorn I know."

When he asked me this, I remembered the day when I also used words as harsh as hers. But my desire to win made me feel that I couldn't give in.

"I'm not wrong."

"And don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"Yes, but I'm a patient person."

"Miss In, you can act like this with me or your father, but Arun is not part of your family to accept everything you do without question."

"What do you mean?"

"If she can't take it anymore and leaves, you'll regret it."

When I heard this, my head felt even hotter. I answered harshly, as if the person I was talking to was Arun BekFah.

"If she can't take it anymore, then she can go away. I don't care. If there is no Arun BekFah, what will it change? There are many people who want to be my secretary."

I said coldly.

"But there is only one Arun in this world, Miss. I just want to tell you... Trying to win with anger won't solve anything. For you, is Arun an enemy?"

He answered calmly.

"You're talking too much today! I'm going to work!"

I replied irritably.

"Wait a moment."

He called me.

"What is it now?"

I shouted to my big friend, who keeps his expression serene the whole time. To my surprise, he handed me a small blue velvet box.

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