Gaming with CaptainSparklez

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You and Jordan are sat in bed cuddling and watching a movie. You're resting your head on his chest.

"That was a pretty good movie." smiles Jordan looking down at you.

"Yeah, not bad." you mumble looking up at him.

"You want to play COD?" he asks sitting up.

"Sure" you smile also sitting up. He crawls to the end of the bed, turns the Xbox on and gets the controllers.

"Here you go my lady." he smiles passing you yours.

"Thanks." you giggle biting your lip. He was so much better at this than you. You could beat him at halo any day but COD was his thing. He starts up the game.

"You ready?" he asks looking at you.

"Nope!" you laugh sitting up a bit straighter.

"Let's go!" he chuckles, starting the match.

You're on the 5th and final match, it's 2 all and you're determined to win. You look up at Jordan, he has an intense look on his face. "You ready?" you ask nervously.

"I was born ready." he smirks starting the last match. You take a deep breath and start playing.

"I'm going to lose..." you think to yourself. You look up at Jordan, he still has the look of concentration on his face. Suddenly you get an idea. "AHHHHHH!" you yell mashing the buttons as quickly as possible. But despite your best efforts you still lose. "Damn it." you frown throwing your controller to the end of the bed. Jordan laughs.

"Aw, sorry! You'll just have to try harder next time." he smiles putting his arm around you.

"But I try my best and somehow I always lose!" you complain burying your head in his shoulder.

"Just remember, wether you win or lose I will always love you." he smiles, softly kissing the top of your head.

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