Walking with Deadlox

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This one is for Rosey5551. Sorry it took so long! I've been super busy.


You and deadlox are going for a romantic walk in the park by your house.

"Aww! Look at that squirrel!" You giggle as a squirrel hops across the path in front of you. Ty just laughs and puts his arm around you. "I love squirrels."

"I know you do." He laughs kissing the top of you head. You get to a more open part of the park and walk across the field to your usual spot under the big tree in the middle. You sit down, leaning against the trunk and Ty puts his arm around you. You rest your head against his shoulder and close your eyes. It's so peaceful. Ty gently strokes your hair and kisses your forehead. "I love you so much Toad." He smiles.

"I love you too Ty." You grin snuggling closer to him.

A few hours later you wake up to find yourself in your own bed with Ty asleep next to you. He must have carried you from the park back to your house! You kiss his forehead and snuggle back up to him. "I love you so much." You mumble as you start to fall asleep.

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