Amusement park with CaptainSparklez

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This one is for TheCheckers!


You and Jordan are at a theme park. You're in the line for a big roller coaster. Neither of you particularly mind rides but this one is rumoured to be the scariest in the park. 

"You okay?" asks Jordan looking down at you. 

"Yeah..." you mumble. You're not but you don't want Jordan to think you're scared and decide not to go on the ride. "Are you?" 

"I think so" he laughs nervously. You get hold of his hand and smile, he is just as scared as you are. As the line starts to move forward you both tighten your grip and by the time you are at the front your knuckles are white from gripping too tight. The worker looks at you and laughs. 

"You sure you want to ride?" he asks looking down at your hands. 

"Yes." you both nod trying to look confident. You let go of his hand and walk to the cart. It's a two person ride so it would be just you and Jordan. He lets you in first. You climb to the other side of the cart an sit down. Jordan takes a deep breath and sits next to you. The bar comes down and you grab his hand. Suddenly you fell yourself being pushed back as the ride sets off. You look over at Jordan, he looks terrified. You go up the first little slope and then down again. "This isn't so bad..." you think to yourself. Then you see the next part, it's an almost vertical climb. You swallow hard and squeeze Jordan's hand. You get to the top of the long climb and stop. You turn and look at Jordan when suddenly you start hurtling downwards. All you can hear is you both screaming. There's a sudden flash of light and then it's over, the ride is done. You both exit shaking. The worker laughs as you walk past hand in hand. There's a little gift shop at the end, the flash you saw at the end must have been a camera! As you walk to the screens with the pictures on you hear familiar laughter. "Mark? Nick?" Jordan gasps. What are they doing here? You open your mouth to ask when you see your picture on the screen, you're both screaming with your eyes closed! That must have been what they were laughing at! You look at each other and giggle. "Love you." mumbles Jordan hugging you. 

"Love you too." 

You spend the rest of the day riding rides with Jordan, Mark and Nick. 

Sorry if its not what you wanted, I will write you another if you want.

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