School with AntVenom

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This one is for Avox234! Hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


It's last period on Friday. You're sat at the back of your maths class with your best friends, Taylor (Ant) and Dan (Cave). None of you particularly like maths so you're messing around. 

"It's a boat! No! A duck!" exclaims Ant, you're playing pictionary instead of doing your work and you're drawing a fox. 

"Not even close! Is my drawing really that bad!" you laugh trying to add extra detail to make it easier. 

"IT'S A FOX!" yells Cave when he finally gets it. The whole class laughs as your teacher is drawing a diagram on the board and thought he was talking about that. 

"Daniel Neander that's a detention for disruption!" scolds your teacher sitting down at her desk. 

"But miss!" he groans giving you and Ant an evil look. You're both trying to stop yourselves from laughing out loud. 

"No buts! Now everyone copy this down. You have 5 minutes of class left." commands your teacher. You flick back to the front of your book and start to copy the diagram down. 

"Pst. Can I come to yours after school?" whispers Ant as he also copies the diagram down. 

"Yeah sure! My parents are at work so its fine!" you grin. You had always had a crush on Ant but your parents hated him. You knew you had no chance of going out with him you, he was a ladies man, a real flit! So you just stuck with being friends. He never asked to hang out with just you, it was always the three of you. Probably because he knew your how your parents felt. 

"Great!" he smiles putting his pencil down just as the bell goes. 

"Right class. Off you go! And Daniel, don't even think about leaving!" hissed your teacher getting up from her desk. 

"See you later man." Ant mumbles patting Cave on the back. 

"Laters Cave!" you smile hugging him. You love Cave, not as much as you love Ant but you still loved him! 

You and Ant walk to your house. He smiles when you get into the kitchen. "You want a drink?" you ask getting two glasses out. 

"Sure." he smiles getting the two glasses and filling them with water. "We off upstairs?" he asks going to the bottom of the stairs. You nod, he looked so cute! You follow him up to your room, he's been in before but it was only for a few minutes while he and Cave waited for you to get ready. He sits down on your bed and puts the glasses on your bedside table. You sit down next to him. 

"You wanna play on the Xbox, or?" you ask pointing at your tv.  

"Sure!" he grins. You get down on the floor on your hands and knees to get the controllers and turn the Xbox on, then you realise you're wearing a skirt and quickly get back up. You turn to give Ant his controller and see that he's staring at you. He quickly snaps out of it as you put the controller on his lap. 

You play a few games and it starts to get very warm, you tie your shirt just under your ribs in an attempt to cool yourself down. "It's boiling!" laughs Ant pulling his shirt off. You smile, he looks super hot! 

After a few more games Ant stops. "What's up?" you ask. He puts his hand on your leg. 

"Look. We need to talk." he says, your heart skips a beat. "I love you. I always have! And I always will. I love your hair." he smiles pushing your fringe out of your face, "I love your dress sense!" he laughs flattening your skirt against your legs. "I love your personality! I love your eyes." he says putting his hand on your neck and stroking your cheek with his thumb. You can't move, you don't know what to do. He leans forward and softly kisses your lips. You look into his eyes and put your hand on his bare chest. You kiss him back, more passionately. You feel the spark. You push him back onto the bed and put your legs on either side of his hips. You lean down and kiss him again. Harder and faster than last time. Your hips move in perfect time. 

I'll let you think up what happens next ;) 

Hope you liked it. Sorry about the ending I didn't want it to be too graphic haha. If you want me to write you one, just ask!

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