Pokemon battle with CaptainSparklez

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  • Dedicated to favplusle

This one is for favplusle! Enjoy!

You and Jordan are sat on the sofa together playing Pokemon, battling together. He's using his favourite, Charizard and you're using yours, Plusle. You start the battle.

You send out your plusle and Jordan sends out his charizard. It's your turn first, you have 60 HP and Jordan has 78. You think carefully about your first attack. You use Spark, it does 20 damage but doesn't paralyse. You hear Jordan say something under his breath but you ignore him. After a few seconds of thinking Jordan uses ember. It does 22 damage. You sign. You have 38 HP left and Jordan has 58. You use charge, it does 25 damage. Not as much as you would have liked. Jordan thinks for a bit longer this time before using air slash, it does 28 damage. "Damn it." you mumble, you have 10 HP and Jordan has 33. You were losing. You look over at Jordan, he looks smug. You carefully decide on your next attack eventually picking thunder, it does 16 damage. You've lost... Jordan uses ember again and does 20 damage. Your Pokemon faints and Jordan has won.

"Oh yeah!" he laughs. It was the first time you had ever lost against him!

"GG." you mumble putting your DS down.

"GG. To be fair you haven't played in a while and I've done nothing but practice for the past few days." he smiles also putting his DS down. "Come here." he opens his arms and you run and hug him.

Sorry it's not amazing, I've never really played pokemon so I had to get all of the information from the internet. I tried :)

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