Coffee with Deadlox

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This one is for MarieFerrezza. Hope you like it!


You and Ty are having coffee at your local Starbucks. He had told you he had something important to ask you and you're very nervous.

Ty puts your coffee down in front of you and sits down, smiling at you. You smile slightly and take the lid off before starting to stir it with one of the stirrers you had got when you came in. He frowns. "So how are you?" He asks sipping his coffee.

"I'm alright thanks." You smile licking the coffee from the stirrer. "You?"

"I'm... Good." He mumbles looking down at your coffee and frowning.

"So... What was it you wanted to ask me?" You ask nervously. His big deep brown eyes look up into yours.

"Marie... I... Um... Ever since the first day I saw you I've been working up the courage to tell you this. You make me so happy! Every time you walk into the room my heart skips a beat. Every time I get a text from you I can't stop smiling. So what I'm trying to say is... Marie," he gets hold of your hand. "I love you." You look at him. He looks back at you.

"Ty... This is all so sudden. I..." He frowns. "I love you too. I feel exactly the same. I was just too scared to tell you." You grin, happy to finally get all of your emotions out. He lifts your hand to his mouth and kisses it.

"You're perfect." He smiles, his warm breath against your hand. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Ty."

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