Meeting Jack and Finn

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  • Dedicated to Oh_Louis_T

This one is for Oh_Louis_T ! Enjoy!


You're at vid-con with your friend Katie. You're just walking around, looking at the booths when you see someone you recognise. Two someones in fact! 

"It's Jack and Finn!" you gasp pulling Katie behind a booth divider. 

"Where!?" she squeals looking around. 

"Shhhhh!" you hiss pulling her back. "We have to keep cool so we don't look weird in our photos!" 

"Oh, okay. Calm." she laughs fanning herself. You walk out followed closely by Katie and approach the boys. Their eyes widen when they see you. 

"Hey." you smile doing a cute little wave. 

"Hi!" grins Katie saluting them. So much for keeping calm. 

"Hello." both of the boys say at the same time. You all laugh. 

"Can I have a picture?" you ask getting your phone out and giving it to Katie. 

"Yes!" the both grinned. You stand in between them and they both put their arms around you. You all smile for the camera. 

"Me next!" yells Katie giving you your phone back. She does the same. 

"So. You enjoying the convention?" asks Jack leaning against the table behind him trying to look cool. 

"Yeah! There's so many people here!" laughs Katie looking behind us at the hundreds of people, walking, talking and enjoying the con. 

"Yeah, loads! There's so many fans!" laughs Finn trying to do the same as jack but there isn't a table behind him so he just stumbles backwards. You, Katie and Jack burst out laughing while Finn face palms and blushes. 

"Have you met any other youtubers?" asks Jack. 

"Nope, just you guys so far!" you grin nodding at them. 

"Well we're going out for KFC with them Marcus and that later if you want." suggests Finn, his eyes lighting up at the idea. 

"WE'D LOVE TO!" squeals Katie bobbing up an down excitedly. 

"Haha, I guess I'll see you later then!" smiles Finn looking at you. 

"We Finn. We'll see her later." hissed Jack giving him an evil look then smiling at you. 

"Them. Guys, you'll see them later." growled Katie giving them both evil looks. You all laugh. 

It's just before you're going out. You and Katie are doing your hair and make-up. Katie wearing her favourite black dress and you are wearing a light blue T-shirt with a black skirt. You're sat in the chair in front of the mirror and Katie is sat on the bed behind you. "You excited?" asks Katie as she finishes doing her hair. 

"Yeah! KFC and youtubers, my two favourite things!" you grin putting your lipgloss on. 

"Jack and Finn obviously fancy you!" she laughs putting her jacket on. 

"No they don't..." you mumble, slowly turning around to face her as you put your jacket on. 

"Oh yeah totally!" she laughs standing up from the bed. "They're both crushing on you. You're gonna have to chose!" 

"Nah. Whatever." you laugh grabbing your bag. Maybe they were... 

You arrive at KFC a bit late, everyone is stood outside waiting for you. And by everyone I literally mean everyone, Sam, Marcus, Alfie, Caspar, Maz and of course Jack and Finn. "Hey!" they both grin as you walk over to them. 

"Hi!" you smile waving at them. They both jog over to you and hug you at the same time before giving each other evil looks. You laugh awkwardly while Katie gives you her "I told you so" look. 

"Guys, this is Beth," says Jack pointing at you, "And this is Katie!" he points at Katie. "This is..." he starts. 

"WE KNOW WHO THEY ARE!" squeals Katie running up to Caspar and hugging him. He looks shocked at first but then just shrugs and hugs her back. You smile, she's always loved him! 

"So we gonna eat?" asks Marcus pushing the door open. You all follow him in and find a table you can all sit at. You sit in between Jack and Finn while Katie sits on the end next to Caspar and across from Jack so you can still see her. Marcus orders the biggest meal so you all have plenty to eat. Jack and Finn are both super nice to you the entire time. You dread having to chose between them and hope that they're just being nice because they're good people and not because they really like you. 

After the meal Jack and Finn decide to walk you back to your hotel, it's just across the road from theirs so they walk you to your room. Katie disappears some where on the way, probably to Caspar's room! "Look, Beth, I..." starts Jack when you get to your room. 

"No!" Finn butts in, he looks pretty angry. "Beth, I..." 

"Don't even start this! I saw her first!" yells Jack pushing Finn backwards so he stumbles. 

"No! I did!" he hisses pulling him back. You don't know what to do. 

"GUYS STOP!" you yell angrily. They stop fighting and look at you. 

"Sorry..." they both mumble hanging their heads in shame. 

"Look, I like you both a lot... But I'm sorry Jack." you try to smile but the crushed look on Jacks face is too much, you have to look away. 

"I'm sorry mate." Finn mumbles patting Jack on the back before hugging you. Jack walks off back to his hotel while you and Finn snuggle up in bed together. 

Sorry if the ending seems a bit rushed, I could have carried on forever! This would actually make a really good full fic but I don't have time to write it, sorry!

If you want me to write you one just ask!

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