Chapter 6 - What is Love?

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While I'm eating my 8th slice of pizza, someone just had to scare me.
"BOO!" My uncle screams while barging in my room.
"AHHHH! WHAT THE HECK UNCLE?!?" I scream obviously being scared by his tactic.
My question is not answered because he is too busy laughing his ass off.
I roll my eyes playfully and laugh along with him.
"Zara, you're already 17. Go find love already." He says.
I shake my head.
"Why not? You're getting old. What if you're stuck at home your whole life without a man" he says.
"I got pizza" I say laughing.
"What is love anyway?" I ask.
"Zara I'm not gonna answer that because you should know" he says looking disappointed.
"I'll go out, but not to find love." I say.
"That's good. Go out then. Do you want me to drop you off anywhere?" He asks.
"No, I'm just gonna go for a walk." I say.
He says ok and leaves my room.
Rather than going on a walk wearing sweatpants and a big ass shirt, I change into a white shirt and black jeans along with my converse again. Today is really cold and it's raining really hard so I bring a sweater and an umbrella.
I leave my room and see Cam, Jackson, and Raven.
"You guys wanna go for a walk?" I ask.
"Sure, we have questions to ask you anyway" Raven says.
"Ok" I say.
We leave the house and start walking.
As we pass the gates, we see Josh and Lance playing basketball. {don't worry, there's like a tent under them}
As always, Jackson and Raven goes up to them and kisses or hugs them. Or both.
"I guess we're the loners." I say to Cameron.
"yea" she says.
I hold my umbrella tight because of the hard wind also.
Then we start walking.
"So, where were you?" Jackson asks.
"Well, you guys were too busy hanging out with Andrea. So I decided to test you guys. I hid in one of the stores while you guys were still talking. I looked out the window and you guys + the boys didn't even notice that I left. Ever since, I just shopped for myself without getting caught and then left." I say looking forward.
I look at them and they look disappointed.
"What's with your looks?" I say.
"We're sorry" they say.
"It's fine, I'm just upset that you guys would just do that to me" I say.
"I need to tell you something" I say.
"What is it?" Cameron asks.
"Ever since we came back here, I've been getting dirty looks and glares. All from Andrea this whole time. But you didn't seem to notice" I say looking down but still walking.
"We need to tell you something too" Jackson says.
"Yeah. So. Um. We didn't know that all this time. Let's go confront her." Raven says.
We arrive at Johns house, and surprisingly, they're not outside. Maybe because it's raining? No, they were making out yesterday when it was raining the hardest.
But then, we heard yells and screams.
Andrea comes out with a box of what seems filled with clothes.
"Ohh hey guys?" She says trying not to seem obvious.
"We need to confront you." Cameron says.
"Yeah. I can't believe how obnoxious you are. Ew. You lied to us. You said you were 'good friends' with her. Chloe told us that you gave her dirty looks and glares ever since we came here. Good thing she told us because now? We're never ever gonna be friends." Raven says.
"But. But.... I promise! I'll say sorry! And I'll mean it! I was just jealous because he liked her before! And he still likes her even though we were dating! Please, I need a place to stay. He... He... Kicked me out of his house. You see, when you were in Hawaii.. I ran away from my abusive parents. I sat on the streets.. Begging, and begging for a place to stay. Then, John found me. He told me that I looked pretty. And then, we kissed. Then we started going out a few days later. But today, he told me that he was with the wrong person all along. He told me that.. You were the one." She says.
I start crying because of her story.
I go up to her and hug her. She hugs me back.
"We'll let you stay. For free." I say wiping away my tears.
"Thank you so much. I'm really sorry about what happened. Are we good?" She asks.
I smile and nod at the same time.
I felt so bad for her, even though she took away my crush I've waited for for 2 years.
John comes out.
He looks confused.
"Uhh. Sup?" He says.
Everyone says hey except for me.
"So, I told Zara how you felt about her and why we broke up." Andrea says.
John looks at me.
He's staring.
Why is he staring.
Ok this is getting weird now.
I am interrupted when John comes up to me and crashes his lips into mine.
I drop my umbrella and kiss him back.
So now, we were kissing in the rain. This is like in the movies.
I guess I know what love is now.
And it felt..

Our Love (A short) [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon