I get claimed...finally!

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Ah yes, capture the flag. The one time you can give somebody a cut and get points for it. The game wasn't until this afternoon but everyone was chatting with excitement over it, and so was I. Logan and I have gotten better at it over the last few months, even so that we were able to be allowed to fight alongside our team, which was awesome to say the least.

Unfortunately, our good friend Percy didn't have that kind of luck yet. Or no kind of luck as far as I'm aware of. He was bad at almost everything in camp. From archery, sword fighting, sword making, or even running. The nymphs outran him in a second and after that second it took him three minutes to get to the finish.

The only thing he was good at was kayaking. He's good at one thing and it involves water. It doesn't take a genius to see who his father was but I guess nobody in this stinking camp wants to believe it.

After all that was camp sword training. It was the Hermes cabin's turn today and I did not want to do this. Why? I'm more of an archery girl than anything. But despite that Luke still forced us to participate.

I was training with Travis and I could see that I was getting good with sword fighting as I was able to take him down quite easily. Or he was getting bad at sword fighting and was also getting lazy. But either way I kept winning.

"That's cheating!" he said as I beat him for the fifth time today.

"Cut it out, Travis," Connor said, walking by us. "You're getting lazy."

"I am not!" Travis snapped back.

"All those chocolate bars getting to your head?" I asked him. Travis pushed me as Connor and I started laughing at him.

Travis groaned. "You two are terrible!" he groaned before getting into a starting position. "Now come on, Heaths, let's go again. I'm ready."

I sighed before getting into one as well. "You're going down, Travis," I said. "Again."

Travis grinned like he was really going to beat me, but before we even started, Luke blew a whistle, signaling our attention. Travis groaned while I laughed.

"Everyone, gather 'round," he told us. "Today's gonna be a demonstration, and since he's new, I want to make Percy here our test puppy for this lesson."

I heard a few snickers coming from the campers, as well as a few 'he's getting his ass kicked' I just sighed while watching the scene unfold.

Luke and Percy got into a starting position. Percy's was a bit wobbly but it was something to take care of later. Someone blew a whistle and the fighting commenced. Luke gained to upper hand on Percy pretty quickly, with the younger boy only throwing a few synchronized hits but they were always blocked by Luke using a more aggressive yet rather more gentle technique.

I have to admit, Luke is excellent when it come to sword fighting. He says only the greatest become great with practice and he has definitely shown that repeatedly. I can't even catch up with him no matter how much I try to practice. That's how good he is.

Soon enough, the first round ended with Percy on the ground with a sword inches from his throat. Luke called a break and everyone went to get some water. Luke poured some water on himself and it looks like Percy did the same thing. I finally felt relieved once I finally got a cup and went to stand beside Connor and Travis, both of which were arguing with each other.

"Heather," Travis called to me. "Tell him that Kai is definitely an Ares kid?"

Ah yes, Kai. one of our undetermined. He's more of a Hypnos kid if I've ever seen one. Yeah he's violent but only when someone wakes him up, then he just goes back to sleep.

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