Chapter 7 -:-:- Finding Nemo

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Ex; Follow the author real quick. 'NiallsLimpNoodle'


Chapter 7 -:-:- Finding Nemo

-:-:- Recap -:-:-

I Felt a Hand Clamp over my mouth and I knew it wasn't harrys.

-:- End Of Recap -:-

I got scared. I had no clue who the hell was touching me, I tried screaming. I licked the persons hand, Ew. I heard a girl screech. "EW MACY!!" Holly Screamed. "HOLLY, KALLISTA, WHERE WERE YOU?" I screamed while hugging them. "Shopping!" they screamed in unison while holding up bags. 

I glanced over to Harry. "It was Nice Hanging out with you Harry, Maybe we can some other time?" "Deffiently." He said and with that me and the girls ran off. 

I Was a Bit upset to be honest. It was fun hanging with Harry. Alot more fun then I've had in a long time. It was unreal. I was surprised I wasn't crying at this point me and Him got kind of close in a way. You know when you hang out with someone and get so attached. Hes like a brother to me. It made me kind of sick. Then I remembered I forgot Harrys NUMBER.

I Turned Around to find Harry gone off in the crowd somewhere. Great, I Would Probably Never see Him Again. Hes famous and I'm just an ordinary girl. I collasped to the ground. I held my chest, I couldn't breath. I wanted Harry - My best friend / brother - I held my throat and tried speaking but nothing came out.

Holly and Kallista was confused. I laided on the floor not breathing. My eyes darted back and forth at them. Is this the last time I will see them? They noticed my lack of oxygen. My eyes closed and I felt no oxygen enter my now limp body. 




Right before I slipped into the darkness I felt a pair of lips on mine. 




Other than them trying to force air into my lungs. A tear ran down my cheek. I felt like I was gonna die any time now. Then I felt myself breath. I started coughing and chocking. I tried speaking but it just came out like a dying whale "I- Urgh- errrm- owh- OMG" 

I opened my very heavy eyes to see Harry Styles. "T-Thanks." I was about to ask him for his number and then My eye lids fell back down over my eyes. I couldn't hold them open. Finally they released and I looked around and Harry disapeared. 

I Look at my Best Friends who wore shocked faces. They acted like I woke from the dead by myself. "Harry Saved me." I chocked out. "Macy, I think your brain suffered too much time without oxygen, Harry wasn't here." "Y-Yes he was, I seen him." "No he wasn't Mac, You just stopped breathing, collasped and then woke up again. 

"He was here" I said sternly. They looked at me with disbelief like I was an alien from mars. "Whatever, we need to get you to a nurse." Holly stated hollowly.  "I'm fine" "Okay, We'll take you on this one, next time we will take you." 

I Felt Crazy, even my friends thought I was. I saw Harry, I knew I did. His Lips felt Luscious. If He Didn't revive me, Who did. It wasn't a dream. I knew that for sure. I felt like I needed a mental hospital, Maybe I was crazy and Needed a Nurse.

I got up and got faint. Holly & Kallista helped me up onto the couch in the mall. I sat there trying to recover from my sudden reaction. Crazy, Crazy, Crazy. kept replaying in my head.

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