Chapter 6 -:-:- Not What It Seems

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Chapter 6 -:-:- {All Rights Reserved} Not what it seems.

Harry has set me down "Thank you Harry" I said while ruffling up his curls. "HEY NOT THE CURLS" he yelled. "Ooopppieess" I giggled. We walked into the store 'Jack Wills' and looked for stuff to buy.

Harry was looking through things when I felt a beanie be placed on my head. "HARRY!!" I said as I turned around, he looked frightened so I gave him the most deadly look I could without cracking a smile and ran after him, He screamed like a little girl. 

I slowed down and started laughing, Hes so hilarious. I was looking through the sweaters as I felt someones hands on my waist then I was flung into the air and I Hit something hard. I felt around. I was on something moving. 

Harry had picked me up and flung me over his shoulder, I started kicking his stomach and smacking his rock hard back. "Let me goo!" I yelped as elderly couples walked passed the little store inside the mall and looked at us weird.

I watched as one more elderly couple went passed and screamed. "HELP, HELP, STRANGER DANGER, HES NOT MY FATHER, GET HIM OFF, HELP." then I babbled. "69 shit 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 fucccck." The elderly woman looked shocked

"Get off of her you little scum bag." the old woman yelled. Harry set me down and apologized. "Thank you miss" I said. She nodded her head in approval. I went up to the cashier with 3 hoodies and 1 beanie. Harry had 2 beanies and 1 Hoodie. He took my stuff and ran up to the cashier. 

He took his credit card and payed for it. "Harry I can't let you do that!" I whisper-shouted. "Too late I already did." he said. 

"You little, curly butt muncher." I screamed. I smacked his arm, "OW, What in gods name was that for?" "For being a gentleman." he just chuckled. 

I then saw something from the corner of my eye, I saw a head of hair that looked like my one best friends. So I then screamed her name. "Kallista, over here, Kallista." the girl then turned around and it wasn't her. I slumped down in my own body. I thought it was her. I really did. 

Harry had a confused look and then his face turned to a different expression like he understood. "I thought..." "I know Macy, Its hard on me too knowing you can't find them." "You don't even know me" I said. "True, but I care." I smacked him again and his face hardened. "Sorry" his hands where raised in defeat.

A/N: Putting this in the middle of the story so you don't skip it- I think this story is getting a little too loving for me, Joking, Lol. I think its cute. I feel like its going no-where right now and I am trying to come up with something in my pea-sized brain, to make this long. I haven't updated due to exams and Everything going on. I had to get my Algebra grade up or I would be in deep poop. Thats all go ahead and continue.. { Continued from this point on } 

I felt happy, Happy that someone actually cared, no I never thought of Harry in that manner. Hes just my friend helping me. If he even considered himself as my friend, I would live to probably never know. Hes in a popular boy band and I'm just a regular girl. - Pity - Is what he felt I bet. He just wanted to help a poor helpless girl. Thats all I was. Dispare. Is all I can feel right now. Why? Why would he do that though?

But, maybe its true. Maybe thats all he did that for, was for my own good being. I hoped everything I possibly thought wasn't true. If it was, I'd probably break me more than losing my best friends. Losing them to - god knows what - I have no clue yet. 

It sucks, knowing that people pity you, you know? Just because I'm a girl dosen't mean I don't have feelings or that I can't fend for myself. I kept wondering in the back of my head..... I mean then why would he have been a gentleman and everything if all he felt was..... oops. never mind. Why was I still going on in my head about this? He probably hated me right now. I'm so self-centered. 

I was then snapped into reality but someone Waving their hand in my face. "Earth to Macy" Harry's voice rung in my ears. "Sorry, I was just-" "thinking, I know." I looked at him confused. 

Is He a Mind Reader or something? Weird....

"So, what would you like to do, Macy." I looked around and then seen a little baby merry-go-round. I pointed to it and ran towards it will Harry following behind, He took a quater from his pocket and Put it into the machine after I hoped in with my butt not even in the seat, due to it was for babies and my legs where hanging off.

I was still enjoying it, Laughing like a nut ball. Harry was cracking up the whole time. I screamed and everything like a little kid, I noticed Harry recording me. I covered my face. "Hey, no recording allowed during the Concert." I stated. He laughed even more. "Y-you are so silly" he said trying to catch his breath. 

I was laughing on the inside. He was truely making me laugh by him laughing at me being silly. I felt silly and stupid for that but it was so fun. I brought out my inner child.. only Holly & Kallista could bring out or make me bring out while i was around them, They where the only ones to ever see it.

I hoped out of the ride and went to look at other stores. Harry dragged me into Hollister and was looking at stuff for me. He found really short shorts. I refused to get those, he was just joking about them though, I hope...

He got me some shirts, shorts, jeans and jackets but I have to say, He is good at picking out girl clothes. "You are a girl at heart, Curly." I said. "I know, I know, Impressive Isn't it." he said cockingly. "Yeah sure, whatever floats your boat." 

This child (Harry) was deffinetly a girl at heart. I had to think of a girl name to start calling him. 

"We surely don't want my boat to sink, I would die then." He said dramaticly. "Oh yeah sure." I said while holding out the 'e'.  "Hey, your hurtful." He said while grabbing his chest and his face crunched up as he pretended to be shot or something. 

"I'm sorry baby, Harold, I promise to never ever hurt your wittle teeny twiny fweelys awgain." "Thats Better." "Com'on princess Harold, we got some more stuff to do." I said while taking him to the icecream parlor. 

I got the double chocolate chip cookie dough.. MY FAVORITE and Harry got whatever in gods name he got. We sat down at a bench talking for a while, Getting to know each other. He was super funny and Witty. He wasn't self-centered he was just a silly guy. Who would of known.

I really enjoyed my day with him, He made me have an extremely good time. He was like a best friend to me now. Who would of known we would bonded. He was like another girl bestfriend, cause he surely acted like one...

Thats when I felt a hand clamp over my mouth, and I knew it wasn't Harry's.

-:-:-:- A/N -:-:-:-

Hey Guys, Sorry For Not Updating for like 2 Weeks. As I Said In the Other A/N. Hope you enjoyed. This isn't exactly what I thought I would write but hey, Its good stuff right? Ohh Cliff-Hanger. Ooopies. Love you all.

{Warning: Updates Could be Slower, I Have Big Tests Coming Up But its not for sure if They will be slow or not, I Will try and update as much as I freaking possibly can} <== I Didn't want the A/N to Be this Long So Bye Now. ^.^

Love You All My Little Cupcakes. 

-Macy:* xoxo

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