Chapter 20 part 2

910 21 1

Part 2

Egh,don't they see I don't wan to talk. I should just run them over, I have a little brother that I need to see. But I got out of my car anyway.

"Save it boys, our friend and relationship is over! You try as much as you can but its going to take a lot of trust to be able to trust you again. You hurt me,and your going to Lucas as well. Instead of apologizing so fast how about think about what you did, you guys just apologizing thinking it will be ok. Well it isn't. I could of saved my dad if you guys told me sooner. My dad could have been alive still, this funeral would never happen and this relationship&friendship would still be together...this is an example of what happens when you keep a major secret,and what karma brings for you. So now just let me go see my brother, and let him know where his father is, I would be happy. So please just go on your stupid tour,and forget about everything that has happened since I first came to London. " I said they all looked heArt broken after I said that. I had some tears fall,but I finally got back in my car and drove straight to the hospital.

*At the hospital*

'You can do this Kaylee' my head giving me confidence. I slowly opened the doer to Lucas's room. I walked seeing, a bald boy smiling as he saw me.

"Kaylee your back!!!" He said, I ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"Why back so early,aren't you on tour still?" Lucas said, and here comes the sadness.

"Um Lucas,something happened when you left,actually a lot has happened. How can I say this,um,well--"I was interrupted by Lucas.

"Spit it out kaylee,I can take it," he said. Ok here it goes,

"Well, dad is gone Lucas, he died at my concert 2 days ago. But wait there's more, the boys knew everything about dad being sick,and never told us,so I'm not touring with them any more....or dating Harry," I explained, I was heartbroken when I saw his eyes get all watery.

"Wow, I leave for a week and this is what i miss," he said,he chuckled a bit.

"I can't believe this kay, why would the boys do this," he said, now here comes the tears, he started crying and pulled him to me,and hugged him tightly. Letting the tears fall out Lucas and mine.

"I don't know Lucas, I don't know," I whispered, we cried in each others arms for about 5 minutes

"Ok,I think that's enough crying for one day," Lucas said, making a joke.

"Yeah me too, so are you feeling better?" I asked, he shook his head.

"I've been puking every morning,rushed for chemotherapy, it's been a good couple days,but I'm still waiting to get surgery." He said.

"I know I'm going to be getting a job soon,so we'll save up for you surgery promise!!!" I said, he smiled.

"Kaylee, so your saying is your not talking to the boys at all?" He said. I nodded.

"It's good thing because I didn't want to be angry at them by my self," he said, man he was just like dad. Always making a joke out of everything.

"Kaylee, I just want you to know that your the best sister anyone could ask for." Lucas said, I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Your the best little brother I could ever ask for too," I whispered.

"I love you," he said, I had tear fall from the corner of my eye.

"I love you too Lucas, I love you too," I said.

I stayed with Lucas for like 5 or more hours. I didn't want to leave him,we were having so much fun. So I texted my mom and said if she could drop off some clothes and make up for me because I wanted to stay with my brother for a couple of days, just so he doesn't get scared.


Beep beep, beep beep.

My FaceTime ringtone was going off.egh. I answered and found Val,Taylor,dani,ele,and Perrie there....I could also see the boys in the background,they tried to make it look like they couldn't see me,but whatever douche bags.

"KAYLEE!!" They screamed. Ok,now I'm deaf.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked,hoping they didn't wake up Lucas.

"Not much,bored....why does it look like your in a hospital?" Eleanor asked. Then the boys faces glowed like a light bulb...,crap.

"Oh,um visiting Lucas," I whispered. They all said lets us seem him.but I couldn't.

"Guys he is sleeping sorry, maybe tomorrow or later you can see him. He had a rough day yesterday," I explained..they all looked confused

"What do you mean he had a rough day?" Taylor asked,hmm maybe the boys could explain.

"Him I dont why don't you ask the boys who right behind you and maybe they could answer your question," I said, I'm still pissed off at them.they now ran out of the room.

"Never mind, ok anyway so are you guys heading back to London?" I asked.

"No,we decided to take a vaca and stay in L.A for awhile. " Perrie

said, sweet!!!

"And of course you know Val and I never leave," Taylor said, I laughed.

"Of course,why would you!" I said, we all talked for about 2 hours until they had to go. Val and Taylor were going to stop by later. Which was good, I hope.

"Kaylee did you talk to dani,ele,and Perrie yet?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah,they are vaca,so they'll be in America for awhile," I explained.

"Could you ask them to come over here,I want to see them," Lucas asked,I nodded and went to text ele.


Eleanor's POV:

KK!!!- hey Lucas want to see the girls and you,so could you maybe come over tonight? Val,and Taylor will be here also.

Me- of course, I can't wait see ya soon!

"GIRLS!!!! " I screamed finding them with the boys in the living room

"Girls,kaylee wants us to go see Lucas so come lets move!" I said, I saw boys frown,also Louis. I know kaylee and Lucas hate them but, maybe we could change Lucas mind, I mean the boys loved him.

(Makena is my bffl and my pie buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!👻👻😸😸😸😸😸😸😽😽😽😽😽😽😽😽😽😽🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉😺😸😻😽😺😸😻A/N- my friend wanted to put something in my book, this is what get..,,words from Kamari monkeys moving monkeys moving everybody)

"Ok boys you can come too," I said, they all smiled,and ran to the car. Lets hope there isn't a fight nor crying. We all got in the car and was off to the hospital.

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