We Meet Again

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Reiji threw me the uniform and teleported to who knows where. I took a look at the slutty uniform before throwing it outside the house.

I grabbed my white hoodie and wore some ripped out jeans and some black converse. I started to walk out of the room only to be attacked by the red headed bro, Ayato. I simply tilted my head making him punched my door and me telling Reiji to buy me a new one.

"Good morning, brother..."

"Shut up Bitch! you freaking punched me! The great ore-sama orders you to say sorry!"

I yawned at his tantrum as I walked away simply ignoring his cries.

"I'm sorry that WE are family..." I said simply as I continued to face front he imeadietly stopped.

~Time Skip~

Awkward dinner get-together whatever they call it and another awkward car ride. Great...

I was seated between the perverted and the creepy one they call 'brothers'.

"Ne, teddy Mari-chan is not wearing her uniform but she looks cute isn't she." He continued talking to his teddy bear.

I am so ashamed to be related with this people...

"Ms. Mari why aren't you wearing the prescribe uniform?" Megane-san ask- no ordered.

"Took you long enough to realize genius..." I answered not caring if his glare can melt a living thing within minutes. I heard a few snickers coming from the guys. "But to answer your question well it's to slutty I mean who would want to wear such disaster. No offense blonde..." I said as I waved my hand dissmisively at the sacrificial girl. How can she even survive living with 6 idiots?

"Bitch-chan 2 doesn't know how to shut her mouth, fufufu~"

I clenched my fist and inhaled deeply. I hope you rot in hell, I hope you rot in hell, I hope you rot in-

"I-I think you shouldn't anger her..." I heard Haru's voice as he tries to scold them.

"Ha! What could possibly this shrimp do to us! The gr-"

"Break your nose... Just like what happened earlier..." I stated as his eye twitches.

"Why you little..."



I stood here twitching in irritance as glares and gossips were thrown at me. I couldn't careless though. I was just irritated about loud places.

I trudged towards the school not giving a single danm about the girls. I grabbed my schedule that was given to me earlier as I glance from room to room.

1st up- History... Room D-6

I stopped when I saw it as I pushed open the door making everybody turn to glance, glare and stare at me. I shrugged as I walk to the back seat of the class.

I put the volume on high as I shut my eyes making the darkness welcome me.

"Hello! Hey!" A high pitched voice passes through my ears as I was woken up to see a familiar red head.

"Oh hi, FAKE-Hime!" I exclaimed boredly as I stared into her now flaming eyes.

Gasps were heard as they looked terrified.

"I said stop with the nickname it's HIME-SAMA! I ORDER YOU TO CALL ME THAT!" I stared boredly at her as she continued to rant about... something. I ended up falling asleep when I suddenly felt a sting my eyes quickly flew open as it darted on my arm.

It was burning... My arm was burning... It didn't hurt that much but it still painful. I sighed as I looked at the raging fire demon as everyone backed away from us.

"You really don't care about other people, brat. As expected from you..." I said as I tapped the spot on my arm as water sprouted through it.

Did I mention that I'm a wind and water caster sorceress? I practiced magic my whole years in living. Though I'm not really a witch but who cares it caught my interest.

The teacher didn't really bother the fight in fact he was just watching us with interest. How did he even got the job?

"How stupid of you to battle your weakness. As expected from a spoiled and stupid brat." I continued to insult her as her bright red sword sprouted out of thin air as she charged at me with a battle cry.

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