The Boy who cried LIES!

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"I heard what you did." Megane dude walked in (without knocking.)

"Okay." I swiftly moved passed him like air ignoring the piercing glares towards me.

"You're grounded." He stated making me roll my eyes and continued walking.

"Okay." I shrugged.

"You will not drink any human blood for 3 days." I heard footsteps behind me.

"Okay." I said simply. I could always drink from animals.

"That man will be here."

I stopped dead in my tracks. You mean...

"The man whom I call father?"

He nodded and adjusted his glasses. I cast my eyes downwards in anger. Shit! This is bad!

"You do know that the pack is after our family, you imbecile." He grabbed my collar and force me to meet his furious eyes.

"...tch... What a stupid mutt."

"What a stupid girl." He muttered, not caring if I was there.

"If he wants to fight with me, then why the hell did he made you guys join in the fight? Listen, I'll fix this with the crazy dog."

I teleported to her room where the soul's body had rested. How? You ask. Well let's just say I am not a creep to have followed the lovers all the way to the pack's penthouse.

The white walls reflecting on her pale skin. Her brown hair disheveled and I notice some painful marks on her neck and wrist as if she was chained.

I took a the necklace and let the charm drape on her neck. In a few moments, her eyes opened revealing... pink...orbs... It was too flashy for my taste.

"Welcome back, sleeping beauty. Did you have a nice nap?" She was about to open her mouth but I cut her off. "Don't answer that. I am here to make peace treatys with your murderous mutt not to talk shits." She quietly slumped into her bed.

I was about to walk away when her warm hand shot foward and grasp my wrist.

"T-Thank you..." She stutterrd making me look down at her figure in confusion.

What kind of person thanks her murderer?

"...Are you sick? You're thanking the person who almost killed you." I looked at her weirdly. Her eyes held innocence and forgiveness making me cringe.

"N-No not that... B-because of y-you, I-I realize tha-that you can't run away from your problems. You have to face them head on a-and that you have to stand up for yourself. That this isn't the end of the world that I should continue living." I was dumbstruck by her speech. Since when did I help her? I only made her live again because I want to live without being decapitated.

"You were the first friend I had." She smiled making my face churn into a 'Are you kidding me!?' look.

Who said we were friends!? I didn't agree to anything!

The door suddenly flew open revealing the mutt who had a shock expression but it soon vanished and I find myself gasping for air. I dug my nails into his wrist prying it off.


"Y-OU F-UCK-ER!" I manage to form broken syllables as he threw me into the wall. I hit my back with full force as frames fell and glass shattering. It wasn't painful though.

I should've left her here! Danm it! Why did I stay!?

Oh yeah... To make peace with a genocidal mutt. Why did I even bother?

"You have some nerve to show up here vampire!" He glowered angrily at my form making me chuckle.

"Of course! I have the guts of steel! Now if you may excuse me. I'll go-WHAT THE F*CK!? YOU'RE THROWING KNIVES AT ME NOW!?" I dodged it as sweat trailed down my forehead.

"Sheesh! You have your lover beside you so you can stop being so violent and do whatever disgusting lovers do!" I teleported into somewhere where I could be in one peice which was outside the room.

The stupid mutt FINALLY realize this as his eyes widen in realisation before hugging the girl making me roll my eyes from behind the window. Cliche...

I was about to walk away to buy some food when suddenly I felt like an incoming blade that almost slashing my shoulder making me step back and dodge it.

"I guess my theory was right. You're a dense mutt who can't read the signs that 'I forfeit!'" I angrily commented as his eyes turned darker while I smirked. "I wonder how many times do I have to insult you just so you can transform into you're dog form."

What the hell are you doing!? No wonder people hate you! You're too prideful and idi-

I shunned my inner conscience who was screaming at me. I stood motionlessly, his stature trying-cue TRYING to intimidate me.

"What did you tell her?" His voice darker yet darker per word making me raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"I told her she was a coward for not fighting back. Heh... You're angry because you're blaming me that she rejected you."


I hit him right there, the moment the words left my mouth. He was charging at me making me teleport in the opposite direction.

"Geez. Don't blame me. It's your fault for being an ass to her." I stated, he quickly turned to my direction and charge but now he was a wolf making me roll my eyes and teleport to the opposite direction again.

He on the other hand didn't expect that since, he thought I was near the wall and I was trapped so instead he crashed into the wall. My mouth twitched upwards, and a rumble of delectation tries to get out. Oh who am I kidding!? I'm evil! I'll laugh to my hearts content!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OH MAN! WHAT A SHOW! I take back what I said about regreting that I have stayed here for long." My laughter soon died down when I walked over to the heavily panting mutt.

"For an alpha, you sure are a huge dolt." I stared downwards making him glare upwards. "I resurrected your dead lover and now you are going to wage war against my fa-fa-fami-mi-mi-luh*ehem*. Familuh. What a joke." I said and may have stuttered along the lines.

"Don't mess with an, alpha, sweetheart. Remember you're in my territory."

I heard loud footsteps towards our direction making me groan.

Well shit!

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