The Feeling of Being Hormonial

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Dance Competition

Individuals- 1st Round

Pairings-2nd Round

Group-3rd Round

I quickly grabbed the flyer as I dashed to my AWESOME BROTHER Reiji.

"Good afternoon, my beloved brother." I said respectfully with a hint of sarcasm. He looked at me like I was a threat to him.

"What do you want?" He asked clearly irritated.

"This. Please don't tell him that I am joining this one. Plus I'm not going to join you guys until the end of this thing." I pointed at the poster.

I was thrilled to dance. Adrenaline flowed through my body it was the only reminder of a certain someone.

"Fine but-"

"Yeahey! Thank you! I love you!" I kissed his cheek and dashed outside. He touched his cheek and stood there dumb-founded.

I went to the auditorium to look for the sign up booth and suprisingly. There were alot of dancers even Fake-hime. I smirked as I went in line.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the slut." She insulted me as her clown friends laughed on. I rolled my eyes at her and signed my name.

I have heard worst...

"Oh! I bet you'll lose in the first round. Since you're such an amateur."

Little did she know that I was going to put her pride where it belongs. To the depths of hell!


I waited patiently for my turn as the girls prepared for their slutty dance. Apparantly most guys got in and even Fake-Hime- WAIT WHAT!? She got in!?

I shouldn't be surprised. I'm guessing she cheated like last year... I clenched my fist as anger surged through my body at the humiliating memory as I glared at her.

You disgusts me...

I watched her finish her pole dancing while the judges had a nosebleed. How the heck did they accepted the offer? I guess they were to desperate to get aroused.


I went out as her shoulder bumped harshly onto me. I remained still while she fell backwards and landed on her buttocks. I raised a mocking eyebrow at her stupidity as she held a fiery gaze. She's probably burning me inside her head.

I trudge towards the stage and stood infront of the judges. I saw at the back of the room a familiar sillouhette- I couldn't put my finger on i-

"Ehem! May you start!" I snapped my attention towards them. The music started as I put my cap on.


"How you beautiful your moves are!"

"Move with your heart not your head."

"Don't listen to those fools."

"You're soo talented!"

"You're so cute!"

"I want to be like you!"

"I love you!"

"I love you..." I muttered silently.

The music stopped as the judges stared in awe but quickly turned serious. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Let me guess. I am not in aren't I?" I asked as they all looked guiltily and looked at each other before nodding. I knew it.

"I thank you for the wonderful performance, Miss Sakamaki." I scowled at the last name particularly hating the part that I am stuck with this generation forever.

I felt my heart sank down. I felt depress... Hormonial... Emotional... I HATE IT! I gritted my teeth.

In the corner of my eye. She was grinning evilly at her victory. Disgusting... Hypocrite...

"If you're thinking taking her out of this competition. Think again." My ears perked up at the familiar voice.

"Kou-san!\Kou-sama!" Fake-hime bursts out of nowhere as she stared at him in shock as I stared at the blonde idol grinning like a fool.

"Konichiwa! S Neko-chan!"

S Neko- What!?

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