Roasted Mutt for Everyone

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This will be the last chapter that I will be posting for this year. School is starting in 2 days and I have to prepare my mental state because I will be looking foward to meet SOME of the 'genius' in my class. Hope ya guys enjoy this chapee! And see ya next time. Bye!

"You have got to be kidding me." I groaned angrily as I turned my head to see guns pointing at me.

"What an idiotic way to capture a vampire. You do know-" I felt someone grasp my leg making me teleport further back where I could see the mutt holding an injection. Was he going to sedate me? The answer is yes, of course.

I killed he's dead lover=He's Pissed!

I revived his dead lover=HE'S STILL PISSED!

Geez! It's like arguing with your parents!

The others looked around from side to side and some upwards and downward making me laugh quietly. Now why the hell would I teleport above you?

"Hey mutts!" Their attention turned toward my crossed armed figure. "Are you seriously going to fight a kid. I mean I haven't expirience being a teenager. I still want to expirience internal bleeding that human girls have every month. I don't want to fight you guys and besides the girl's alive. So its a win-win situation." I ended, there was a moment of stone cold silence.

The room had a heavy atmosphere making me alarmed. Before I could even step back, a bullet flew passed my head and a crashing sound.

"You sure are, war freaks but I wouldn't mind an exercise." I took off my blue hoodie to reveal my face with my eye blazing yellow. I was hungry and pissed. Now where do I find a blood bag in this time?

Every bullet that was directly at my body flew in a fast speed but I was faster. I side-stepped every now and then. I waited for the masked squad to run out of ammo's before I could beat the crap out of them.

Click. Clack. Click. Clack. Cursing sounds.

Oh well look at that, guess my patience granted me. I cracked my knuckles before smirking evilly. Their eyes looked terrified making me chuckle darkly.

"Let's see, mi-ni-mi-ni-my-ni-mo-catch-the-tiger-by-the-toe-" I sang while swerving my finger, pointing at each group making them visibly tremble. "If-you-ever-let-go-in-ni-mi-ni-mi-ni-MO!" I let down my finger when I pointed to the right.

In the corner of my eye, 3 wolves jumps by the end of the syllable, letting out a ferocious growl. I lifted my leg and quickly kicked them in the stomach making them fly towards the concrete wall.




SCREAMING! (Howling)







I was now fighting the Alpha, its a lie if I said he was easy. He almost bit my leg off, good thing thing I had to twist its front leg so that he could collapsed.

He turned to his human for-Okay, I shouldn't have seen that. I really, really, REALLY shouldn't have seen that.

"If I win this shitty fight, leave me and my fa-fa-fa-OH F*CK IT! MY FAMILY ALONE!"

"I wouldn't agree to a leech, like you." He charged at me with a jagged knife making me teleport like a normal vampire would do.

Leech? Really? Is that the best you can do?

"And here I thought all dogs were smart. Guess there are most dogs including you are really smart." I sarcastically commented as a smirk made up to his pink lips making me raise an eyebrow.

"Of course, I am intelligent! Handsome-blah blah blah." He rambled on and on making me yawn.

Mhm... Like I said really smart. Can't even tell the difference between sarcasm and compliments and don't forget that he isn't aware that he had no spare of clothing with him.

Actually, everything he says could make a really great bed time story. I'm actually starting to fall asleep-zzzzzzzzzzzz... It's better to fall asleep rather than look at steriod-used body.

But not too long when an unusual swish of air that was directly at my face. I opened my eyes and swiftly caught a knife. In a matter of seconds, I was infront of his bruised face and slammed his bodyusing my two feet to kick his entire stomach.

Danm, it was like jumping on the floor but instead this floor was like a wall. Does that make sense? I don't care.

I decided to leave him be and walk away quietly while he's still on the ground, struggling. If I remember correctly, the faucet is one of the rooms to the left. I need to find the closest water supplies.

I teleported through the mansion before he could even get up, I was gone. I kicked every doors to search for a bathroom.

After a few minutes, 30 minutes to be exact. I finally found it!

"Is little miss sissy here, taking a piss? You're more like a little miss pussy! Keep teleporting like a coward!" He leaned against the wall, trying hard to be casual and savage.

Ooh... Danm... That was a good roast. I felt that...just a little...

"Atleast your lover liked me-oh wait you don't have one because she rejected and hated you."


Now, he's eyes turned black as night and gripped his knuckles until it turned white.

"You say that one more time, and I will crush you." He threatens.

Mhm... You keep saying that for the past 3 days... And yet I'm still standing infront of you, breathing and moving.

"Guess you're a masochist then, I said your ex-lover like me and she rejected you."

"And you seem weak to be the Alpha. You can't even kill a 12 year old kid."


"Even John Cena could beat the crap out of you."


"Oh, I heard this juicy story about you. Let's see..." I continued the insults while he just stands there like an idiot.

Roasted mutt, anyone?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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