Chapter 13~

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While looking around the ship she saw the normal guy act, look at the girls eyes and as she walks away check her out. Then, a day later just happen to run into eachother.. kiss fall in love. The tipicle love story. But, that didnt happen , instead the guy spilled cocktail juice on her and blew cigarrete smoke in her face. She reacted just like this, slap the guy and run. "Ehh, guys " She squealed. She ran back to her hotel room and huffed over her cocktailed shirt. She put a new shirt on that she found burried in her bag. She didnt know what to do with herself , after all of the drama and guys were gone. Her life was pretty boreing.... As she walked out of her room they finally rang the dinner bell she went down to the dinner room grabbed her fresh crab and salad and sat down. The guy who spilled cocktail on her just happened to sit right next to her. Before the guy started talking Winnie butted in " yes i know your gonna apoligize , no need for it "

"How did you know?"

"Typical boy act..."

"Oh well im not typical im ungiue"

"Ill beilve it when i see it"

"Excuse me ?"

" Sorry for my un kindess?"

"Miss. please im trying to do the best i can, but your"

"My what?"

"Your snotting nose brat act" He snapped. Everyone stared at Winnie and the guy . Winnie got up left and said "Excuse me " with her big beaty eyes. The hole crowd went silent. She cryed on her bed for hours untill it felt like all of the black walls were caving in on her and all of her dirty black and white laundry covered her. Her black hair covered her face along with all of the other black and white stuff. She had enough of only seeing black white , she really did untill she looked out side and saw......


Hey guys okay i know its been a long time since i uploaded a new one but i need 995 views for next upload......<333

My Life in Black And WhiteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon