Chapter 3

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After a very silent ride we were at the hotel. I piled out of the car and saw a familiar car sticker. I got my bags and followed my dad to check in. The lady gave my dad the key and we got in the elevator and all of a sudden the elevator jerked and kept going then the lights in the elevator shut down. They were stuck!! Winnie’s dad searched the walls with his hand and pressed a button. The Emergency lights went on and there was no way out, but a tiny crack in the elevator. Winnie checked her phone and she called the hotels number and emergency finally got there. Even though it took an hour Winnie enjoyed it because the whole time she slept.

 When Winnie got out, her and her dad had to go up a flight of stairs because it was too dangerous for them to take the elevator. When they found there room number K 102 they piled there stuff in. Winnie was a happy 17 year old because there were fluffy blankets and to bed rooms that she didn’t have to share. Until there was a knock at the door, it was the boy from Burger King, Winnie said hello and an awkward silence was in the room.

“What do you want,” Winnie said with a sigh.

“It’s called I live here,” No name said. No name walked in.

“Get out of my room,” Winnie yelled.

Im sorry honey I was just looking at the rooms,” Winnie’s dad said.

“Not you dad, this jerk in here,” Winnie giggled.

“I live here,” No name said. Winnie walked in to the other bedroom and noticed there were bags that weren’t hers or her dad’s.

“Dad someone forgot there bags here,” Winnie said

“Honey I need to tell you something … he will be staying with us,” Winnie’s dad said.

“WHAT why I need my own bedroom, “Winnie yelled,

“Go take a shower we will talk about this over dinner.” Winnie’s dad said.

“Well No-name is sharing with you not me or having his own room, im having my own room, not him “Winnie scowled.

“I have a name,” No name said.

“I don’t want to know it No- names a good name for now,” Winnie chuckled. She ran into the bathroom and smelled the air fresher that smelled like hot apple cider. Winnie went out side the bathroom and came out in a bronze colored bathing suit.

“Dad im going to the beach,” Winnie said.

“Im Kyle, do you need some help finding the beach,” Kyle said,

“Stop trying to pick up a hot girl like me and take them to the beach... that was low Kyle,” Winnie chuckled. As Winnie ran to the beach she saw the crystal clear water and the boiling sun on her back. Winnie dove in the ocean without feeling it; thousands of colorful fish surrounded her. Dolphins were farther out. And no sharks were in the water.

All of the sea life crawled and swam towards the bottom of the ocean. A huge splash towards the beach occurred. Winnie got scared so she headed a little farther out from the splash. Winnies felt something smooth, but hard so the thought of it being a dolphin disappeared and then the strangest thing happened.


@@@@HEY!!! Guys thank you guys so much for reading my 1st two chapters.... now since im evil i left you on a cliff hanger@@@@

TEASER: What do u think grabbed her leg ??

Update : When atleast a reader votes and comments once !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!<3

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