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Name :Im Jae Bum (English)
JB (Stage name)
임재범 (Korean)

Birthday :6th January 1994 (Capricorn)

Age : 21 (International)
22 ( Korea)

Nationality :South Korean Citizen

Height :179cm

Weight :66kg

Bloodtype :A

Nickname : Grandpa , Leader-nim, Mr Boring (Got7)

Facts (Real):-
1)Debuted with Jr in JJ project.
2)Came out in Dream High 2 as lead actor
3)Really good in B-boying
4)Used to be a little more short tempered during JJ project era.
5)A good chef compared to the others
6)Leader of Got7 and JJ project

How I portray him: JB is one of the more serious,no joking person. Yes, he jokes sometimes but he rarely lets off his guard which is why Min Ae is not close with him yet. The reason why JB is so serious is because he feels that as the leader, it is his responsibility to be the most mature and sensible one. He builds a boarder around himself and doesn't not play as freely as the others, so that is why he always does badly in Games (Of course after Min Ae, cause she is the worst in games). He connects most with Jr since they known each other for so long. Though they don't show it.The bond is there. JB takes care of all of them and is constantly worrying about them. He is like the parent. More on the father side. He looks out for all of them and won't hesitate to speak out the wrongdoings of the members and reprimand them. They all respect and love JB and it is a known fact that nobody defies JB's orders. JB is always there for them whenever they need help. Jb is sometimes playful only sometimes.He's a human too guys!! He is a really thoughtful and institutive person and his predictions about things are known to be really accurate. He understands them all the best and is often complimented by the members as the best leader ever.

Feelings/thoughts on Min Ae: He feels that with her around, he needs to protect them more. Giving them more pressure. At first, he was so afraid that their fans wouldn't accept Min Ae that he was sleepless at nights. After the debut stage did he really let go of this worry. He feels that after Min Ae is here, the entire group became more lively,even Mark is more sociable with them now. Before Min Ae came, Mark is always with himself and the iPad. How he wanted to crush the iPad but Mark was his hyung and he wasn't causing trouble, so he can't do anything. He feels that Min Ae is the glue that holds them all together.

-Min Ae is like a superglue. With her around, we are all always interacting and talking and stuff. Min Ae brought us all more closer together! I'm really happy for that and I love her a  lot. I'm glad she joined us. If only she joined us earlier!!! - JB when interviewed by author-nim.

Thoughts on #MarkAe : He feels that the both of them have feelings for each other but don't want to confess. He sometimes get frustrated by the both of them that he really wants to pull them together and tell them to say it out  to each other's face that they like each other. But still, it isn't in his position to intervene with other people's relationship. Although others say that Mark likes Wendy, he feels that the person Mark likes is actually Min Ae. But on the other hand, he worries about them too. They are bound to be some fans that aren't happy with this.

-Mark and Min Ae are really cute together. I feel jealous sometimes seeing them bicker. I wished I had someone to do that with too..But I have to wait until the dating ban is off before I can have that someone..So envious of them!!- JB when interviewed by author-nim.

Thoughs on Park Hoon: He is amazed by Park Hoon's knowledge and dancing skills but feels that they is more to him than what they see. He feels Park Hoon's attraction to Min Ae and does not really approve of it.

-Park Hoon is really cool to be with but his attention is constantly on Min Ae. It's weird. I mean I don't think it's like love at first sight. It feels like he is observing her... I don't know if it is just me or what..-JB when interviewed by author-nim. (Author's comment: Yokshi.JB you are the cleverest!!)

Appearances: Chapter  6, Chapter 9-Chapter 36, Chapter 38-Chapter 51, Chapter 53-to be continued.

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